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Harry came to visit me in my lunch.

It was so awkward, because one, I was having a thing with Ashton, and two, he was 18 coming into lunch with 16 year olds.

Plus, I was taking a picture with Ashton while I was kissing his cheek. Awkward.

The lunch room went hushed as someone tapped my shoulder. I whipped around, to find my friend, Emily, pointing at Harry.

"What?" I hissed, standing up off of Ashton.

"C'mon, you're excused for the rest of the day." Harry wraps his fingers tightly around my wrist. I tugged on his arm, to get it off me; to find it would just make his grasp tighter.

Harry then starts walking, not even waiting for me to put on my backpack. He grabs it as he walks out, picking it up as if the 4 textbooks in there are feathers.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we stepped out of the lunch room. My eyes looked up at his towering stance. He peered down.

"To Lou's car, duh." My eyes narrowed as Harry picked up his pace again.

This seems a bit sketchy. We walked out the office doors, Harry handing the secretary a pass. She smiles widely, and waves as she lets us out.

I sigh as I see Louis in the car. But wait... Why am I here and not Fizzy?

I get shoved into the backseat as Louis sighs annoyingly.

"What?" I sneer.

"You're here. Isn't it obvious?" Louis glares at me. I roll my eyes as I decide which come back I would like to use this time.

"For your information, Mr. Tall, Brunette and Curly dragged me out of lunch to be here. I didn't want to come." My voice comes out confidently.

Harry looked down into his lap. Why would he not defend me coming? Was he always a baby around Louis?

"Forget it, I'm going back insi-" I go to reach for the handle, but one of the boys locks the doors.

"Really? You don't want me here, yet I can't leave?" I'm astonished. What the hell is wrong with them?

"Well you can't go now, they'll know we're ditching." Harry claims. He's such a wimp.

"Just drop me off at my friend's house." That's all I want. To go to Ashton's house.

"Fine. The sooner you're gone, the better." Louis smiles. Leaning forward, I go and smack the side of his head. He retaliates and yanks a handful of my hair, bringing me forward, then shoves my shoulders back with force, right into the back seat.

Tears well up in my eyes as I run my fingers over my scalp. That really, really hurt.

"Mate, why'd you do that?" Harry asks, bewildered.

"She hit me. So I pushed her." Louis said simply. He was like this ever since Harry was a love interest. It made Louis only consider how Harry feels, and Harry's interests, not mine or Felicite's, or Daisy's or Phoebe's.

"You can't just do that to a girl! You made her cry." He objects, pointing to me.

"So what? She's a baby. I know my sister, we fight all the time. Lottie always starts it." Squeezing my eyes shut, I stopped my crying spell. I am not a baby. He's just an inconsiderate shit.

"Fuck off Louis." I finally said.

"You know Lottie, you should just shut the fuck up." Louis yelled.

"No, Louis, you should shut the fuck up! I stopped making my sister cry when I was 10. C'mon Lottie, I'll take you home." Harry unlocked the doors and opened mine.

"Wow, Harry thanks for being on my side!" Louis screams at him.

"You're very welcome." And with that, I was out of the car.

Lou sped off angrily, probably going to get a bite to eat and to cool off.

"My car is over here." Harry pointed towards the lot.

The car ride was long and tense. We both knew that Harry invited me, but neither of us discussed it.

"How about we just go home, and I'll talk to Louis." I didn't object. I got my space. Worst comes to worse, I'll just go to my room.

When we got home, Louis's car wasn't in the driveway. I trudged into the house, and Harry followed me in. He slipped his shoes off, and grabbed a bottle of water. He acted as if he actually lived here.

I turned to go up the starts when he startled me.

"Can't you stay down here and watch television with me?" He asked, biting his thumb nail.

I gave him a look. Rolling my eyes, I sat down next to him anyway. Harry's hands fumbled with his cell phone as he rang Lou. No answer.

"That's strange." He said aloud, dialing again. Holding the phone to his ear, I could hear the voicemail.

"Why won't he pick up? He always picks up." Harry looked a bit panicked.

"Don't worry about it. He's probably just pissed or something. We'll be here when he gets back." I told the worried kid. Harry flipped on the tv and got indulged.

Sighing, I laid down onto my side. Maybe Louis did go back to school. It didn't really matter, he was angry at me anyway.

When I woke up, Harry was shaking me.

"Lottie, get up. Charlotte, we have to go." He sounded frantic. I tried to turn over and continue my nap. When I peeked out of my eyelashes, it was dark. Did I really sleep that long?

"Seriously, Charlotte get the fuck up. Ah, fuck it." I felt him scoop me up in the blanket off the couch. I opened my eyes now, because he would be too distracted to notice.

He was taking me outside to his car?

After he set me into the front seat, he slammed the door and ran to his side. Harry was in a rush.

"I think you're awake now but I'm not sure so I'll just keep talking. Your phone kept ringing and when I finally looked at the caller I.d. It was your mom so I picked it up. Louis is in the hospital. I guess he drove into a tree or into a street lamp or something, I couldn't really tell. Your mom was hysterical."

I looked over at him. The light from passing cars and street lamps illuminated his face periodically. He couldn't keep his hand out of his hair, like it was a habit. His eye lashes cast shadows on his face, soft shadows.

For once, I felt like Harry was a real person.

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