DJ at the Disco

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Chris was sitting on the couch his mello head on the table in a staring contest "why must Y,n be so stubborn" he thought. 

"Chris" Selena said its been a few days since the storm Panic at the disco was in Town the Internet was loaded with pictures of him and you.
"Y,n" he said Selena turned on the TV  it was Y,n dancing on the street  with panic at the disco.
Selena bit her lip and stormed off.
She pounded on your door
"Y,n" she yelled you opened the door
Panic at the disco was on your couch "sup"
"Y,n M,n Y,n" she growled "how do you know my middle name" you asked
"Your dating someone else when Melllo has Ben trying to get your damn attention" she growled grabbing the collar of your RWBY shirt
"That's my brother" you coughed Selena looked at Brendon he was sitting up wheezing
"My bad" sh said turning around
"Block party" Selena shouted
"What's the song" Brendon asked Mello Chris lifted his mello head
"I write sins " he said The smile was whipped clean off his face "so you and Y,n" Chris said
"Were close" he said "also were siblings" he added
"Yes" Chris fist pumped "ready high note" You said walking onto the stage with Mello and Brendon
"Our mom really likes this song she likes it when her a baby's curse"
"Fuck, shit balls got damn I'm tiered of this song" you both shouted
(Cue song)
When it ended you looked at Marshmello he walked IP to you covered his face with the mello had an kissed didn't know what to do you told your self to push him but you couldn't move he broke the kiss an slid the mello head back on.
Time skip
"He kissed me," you thought while stress gaming.

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