He found out

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I'm still alive

Its been a month since you married mello and he wasn't joking about living on the road it didn't bother you, since you could easily take animal cases.

It was one of those nights the two of you were at a hotel for a while.
Chris was out performing Happier. 

"Shit" you said, to yourself unable to think about anything but the positive pregnancy test in your hand you sat it down on the bathroom sink and left
Marshal titled his head wondering what had you,
"I'm fine" you decided lay down hoping this was a bad dream.
When you did Marshal laid his head on your stomach
"Really?you look at him raising an eyebrow

Time skip
When Chris got back he took his mello head off and sat it on the couch he would normally find you playing spider man, or god of war, but he didn't
He found you sprawled out on the bed slightly snoring
Unable to hide his laughter he used his phone to take a picture. When he we to take his shower he noticed the pregnancy test
" Y,N" He shouted as ran into the room and dived into the bed
"What?" You ask slightly annoyed
He held the test pointing at it while trying to hide his laughter
"Yes i'm pregnant" you fold your arms
Marshal then jumped back on the bed making sure to hit Chris on his way back
"I'm surprised you didn't fai-" your words were short lived when he passed out.

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