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I wasn't a bat and I wasn't a cat. I was a bird. So its only natural I took her name as my own. To fight. To find my mother and her sister. Birdy. She was just that when she died, a little bird. Some might think I'm too young for this line of work but I held her in my arms as she took her last breaths. I was too young for that. This? I was groomed for. It's in my blood. I might not gave known it two months ago but I would have figured it out sooner or later. It just so happens I found out when I needed it the most. When I needed to find my mother. My father was going too slow for my taste. Something in me was telling me he was doing it on purpose. I didn't want to believe it but I had to take it in my own hands.

That's why I had to put on the suit. That's why I had to take Damian's motorcycle. Both Batman and Robin were busy at Bruce's party tonight. It was easy slipping away from the guests. It was difficult getting past Alfred quietly. Though, I'm sure if he did catch me he would have let me go. I rode the motorcycle to the old convenience store that I was trapped in for two weeks on my way to find my father. I went inside and looked for clues. A little bit of moonlight illuminated the room but my mask was quick to change to night vision. It seemed like ages ago I stepped foot in the store to ask for directions. Everything was just how I left it. I took a deep breath before venturing down under the store. I tried my best to ignore the blood stain in the hall, it helped that there was movement coming from the office room. "Who's there?" I called out. Crouching and bracing myself for anything.

I girl peaked out from the doorway I recognized the face and so did my mask as it was quick to show me her name. Luca Anderson, Lucky. "Who are you?" She asked.

I tried to mask my voice as well as I could, all I could think of was Alfred's accent so I went with that. "I'm here to help. What are you doing here?" I asked her as she stepped into full view.

"I got separated from my friends, they were taken, this was the only place I could think of where no one would look." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Taken by who?" I spoke quickly.

She looked down at her feet. "I was trapped here for some time by two men, it was them. We moved to a different place, we thought we were safe. They came back for us-"

"They took your friends?" I guessed. I thought Freddie and the other guy were locked up for good. I clenched my fist in frustration.

Lucky shook her head. "No, they tried. But these women showed up and killed them. They told us we could be safe with them. I didn't think it was a good idea. But my friends trusted her.. even, even my one friend who doesn't trust anybody. But she said one of the girls looked like someone who was here before, someone named Chrissy."

I froze. Chrissy? "What does Chrissy look like?"

"Dark hair, green eyes, a teenager probably. The other woman was older."

"The older woman, did she have brown hair and hazel eyes?" I asked. Surely it couldn't be...

She nodded. "Yeah, she called herself Eve. She told me to meet her on the Gotham docks if I changed my mind."

My mind was moving a mile a minute. Eve, my mom, Chrissy, they are all connected. Eve was at the auctions, my mom goes missing. Eve was here, she kills the men takes the girls. Eve was at the Gala, she imprisoned Alfred, Dad, and Damian, she tried to capture me. She was probably going to tell me some story about how all the boys left without me. Karen Diebeaux was one of the orphans that were tortured by Joker, she married one of the richest men in Gotham and manipulated him and his money. Joker told them Batman was to blame, they're taking it a step further and saying all men. Eve was the savior when the kidnappers tried to get ahold of the girls again. She had Chrissy, she must have been the other girl at the Gala. Eve was... building an army. An army of influential women and orphans who she groomed to hate men.

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