Chapter 1

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A year.

That's how long he had been in the awful place,

He helped a lot of people - not once, not twice either yet still they spat on him, curse him, throw stuff at him.

Why, why did they take the word of The person Who was obviously one of Voldemort death Eaters, over his, the whole British wizarding world, even his friends didn't give him the benefit of a doubt.

When the Aurors came to take him the whole school was already glaring at him, no one tried helping him.

Well except the weaselly twins who he looks up to like big brothers, and surprisingly so did Severus Snape.

But no one listen.

And so they send a 14 year old ( now 15 ) kid to Azkaban, with no evidence- because the ' great ' Albus Dumbledore had supported Igor Karkaroff statement that Harry Potter killed Cedric Diggory.

But a few days ago Aurors found the allegedly dead Peter Pettigrew - very much alive.
He was interrogated under the vartisem serum and got a life sentence in Azkaban.

Madam bonse who was in charge of the case declared Sirius Black innocent, and after finding out Pettigrew killed Cedric  she made sure the whole Public will know using Skeeter, so even Dumbledore couldn't stop this trial.


The Wizengamot was filled with the jury, prosecution and about 50 permitted personal on the side line.

Dumbledore, Harry's old friends, some Aurors, Lord's of many ancient houses, and of course Rita Skeeter.

But as he was brought in he only looked for three people.

Fred and George Weasley, and Severus Snape.

" do you have anything to say before we start? " madam bones asked sternly.

Harry lifted his head for the first time since entering the room -now showing
His pale and lifeless face that no 15 year old should ever have- to the crowed.

Reaching with frail hand inside his shirt harry took out a paper, " while under the vartizem, after you finish with your questions I wish for you to ask me this " his voice weak and shaky, nothing like the brave child he used to be.

Madam bones gasterd to one of the Aurors to bring it to her, and couldn't help but give a tiny gasp reading it, but nodded nonetheless.

Harry was given the potion vail and the trial began.

" state your full name "

" Harry James Potter Black " harry static reply gain some shock faces and gasps but amilia shut them up quickly.

" did you kill Cedric Diggory ? "
" no "
" who did? "
" Peter Pettigrew under Voldemort orders "
This time it took a little more time to regain order in court.

" as I am finish with my questions, I will start with the questions given to me. "

" did you kill Voldemort in your fourth year after his resarection, parmnetlly and how ? "
" I killed him after they managed to kill Cedric, I have realized Voldemort have 7 horocruse who had been the reason for his come back and unstable state of mind, with the help of the goblins I destroyed them all "

Silence, no one spoke a word, all listening with shell shocked faces.

" why did you not tell anyone this before the last task ? "
" everyone turned their back at me, I did not know who to trust "
" can you please tell us the names of the death Eaters you are aware of they unwillingly had to work with the dark lord? "

" Lucius Malfoy was forced to work under him to protect his wife that was held captive and keep his son alive, Severus Snape was forced by Albus Dumbledore to spy on the dark even after coming back to school with obvious curcio after affect and beginning to quit this mission - but was refused with the excuse ' for the greater good ' , Fanrir Greyback was never in the death Eaters rounds, he was blamed for many things he didn't do all because he's a dark creature - most accusations were made by a ministry official name Delores Umbridge" .

The people in the room couldn't stop themselves from giving a small glare in the direction of Albus and a pink woman.

" do you know of any death Eaters who willingly took side with Voldemort? "

" Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix Lestrange, Igor Karkaroff, Barty crouch jr. , Antonin dolohov .... "
Harry gave 23 names, most no one even thought to look at.

One of the Aurors left immediately to inform the head Auror of the new information.

" we're on the last question please keep quiet! " madam bons demand sternly, she was unusually pale but still determinet to look for the truth.

" was Albus Dumbledore aware of the Dursleys abuse and child neglect against you ? "

Dumbedore who had pale beyond death and quite just as, until this very question rose to his feet "objection , this has nothing to do with the case"

" quite, you are not here as the jury but a simple gusset it is not your place to object ! I permit this question "

" I was left by him in the middle of the night on the doorstep of my aunt place, not to be found till the next morning, he did not once checked on me while there as my magical guardian, I was treated worse than an house elf, no food no bed I lived in the cupboard under the stairs for most of my life, I was abused emotionally, physically and sexually, each year I would tell Dumbedore only to be told I was exaggerating and send right back there, I even told my head of the house, Ron and Hermione but was dismissed every time, so you tell me, you know all along didn't you ? " the last statement was directed straight to Albus.

" from this day on you harry James Potter Black are a free man, being found innocent after a year in Azkaban the ministery will award you 1 million gallons, do you have anywhere to go to? " amilia questioned

" with me " a voice belonging to one Severus Snape said, and Harry nodded smiling a bit.

" thet can be arranged , case closed everyone else dismissed "

Everyone got out some more hesitant then others, some shouting and begging for Harry's forgiveness, while most too shocked to say a thing left quietly.

Of course Dumbledore was being escorted with magical cuffs by Aurors to a cell until his own trial.

Looking at Emilia Harry let out a small smile.

" thank you for everything, in the next few days I will send you every little thing I know Dumbledore did behind closed doors with Pensieve memories as proof and in writing, as I don't wish to stay in Britain longer than necessary "

" you will get some from us too, seeing We will be leaving with harry as well " to both Harry's and Emilia surprise Severus pointed to himself then to the red head twins behind him.

Emilia nodded understandably.

" enjoy your free life Mr. Potter, goodbye "

And with that Severus apparated himself, the twins and Harry to his house.


As English is not my first language please tell me of any mistake I may have made, I will try to fix it as soon as I can.
Thank you for reading.

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