Chapter 2

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( the inside of the house is a lot bigger)

After the trial the first thing they did was to provide enough evidence against Dumbledore to send him to Azkaban for life.
Slowly in two weeks Severus had officially adopted harry, and they packed all their potions, potion ingredients, clothes, bathroom necessities, money, food ( mainly spices/seasonings) , and just about every thing they need for a new start.

Harry had decided he wanted to go as far away from Britain as he can, so Severus decided to talk with the goblins about different possibilities.
After both harry and Severus had settled for a place ( being warned by the goblins there's no coming back) they both said their goodbyes to Lucius and his family who came a lot to help ( after saying their thank you's to Harry), it was harder to separate from Fred and George ( who after a lot of thought decided to move for America with their lover and his family)

Harry was glad Severus is staying with him because he is the only one he could never say goodbye too.

When finally the day came for them to meet with the goblins and start the ritual that will send them to another world they were nervous yet excited.

Without even realizing they lost consciousness, both woke up in the middle of a beautiful forest.
It took them a few minutes to notice the changes in their bodies, Severus hair was healthy, longer , beautiful black color and felt like silk, his nose was back to the way it was before it broke when he was little, his skin flawless ( most of his scars disappeared), and he grew a bit taller.

While harry changed even more so then Severus, his hair reaches till mid thigh in dark waves,  skin pale and almost flawless ( like Severus some scars remain),  lips slightly fuller, eyes wider and eyelash's thicker. Though he did not get any taller.

They had both noticed their more feminine looks, but too focused on the ears -pointy ears ( not as much as regular elf)
As they continue to look at each other too shocked for words, Severus finally got out off his thoughts and spoke.

" well... first thing , we have to find a clearing and make ourselves a home to stay in safely, then slowly we will learn more about this world... and maybe the reason for our.. changes " the last sentence was said in a bit of an awkward tone, but non the less he continued " and of course I will teach you every thing you would have learned in Hogwarts and more... except devision, and history we will learn together on this world instead of the wizerding one"

Harry couldn't stop the small giggling sound he made while nodding his head in agreement.

And so they spent the next five years at their new house in the woods, learning laughing and enjoying their life as a family before meeting their first ever dwarf.

Sorry for the short chapter

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