Her First Day

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I had a hard time sleeping that night. I think I like stars now. What does that mean? She liked my explanation of what I felt about stars? Or me? When I woke up I felt like everything in my life would change dramatically. And it did. I was walking to school and I stopped and leaned against a tree. She's going to be at school, I'm going to see her, will she want to see me?

It was my third year at this school and I still had trouble finding classrooms. I was trying to find my way to my Anatomy class and I saw Billie. I walked over and stopped. She was talking to Spencer, the biggest player at school. He has a reputation of dating girls for sex then breaking up with them afterwards but girls just can't help themselves from being in those situations. Fucking dickhead. First I was jealous and then I was worried.

"You're new here right? We should get lunch today" Spencer said. Billie did the girliest thing and played with her hair and nodded. My stomach turned and I rushed over to her. "Billie you can't be serious. Spencer? He's a man ho he's just going to hurt you, he only uses girls for sex." I frantically said. She looked at me and replied "Don't worry I won't do anything with him I don't want him to be my first." I must've looked puzzled because she said "you didn't know I was a virgin?" I shook my head. "You just seem so likable how could anyone not be into you that way?" I asked. "Well they have been but I just haven't found anyone that I want to do it with."

I texted my friend Parishé to see if she wanted to have lunch and she said yes. We ended up going to a Mexican place and I told her all about the night before. "The fuck does she mean by I think I like stars? Why do girls always gotta be confusing. White bitches are crazy" she rolled her eyes. "Um Parishé I'm a crazy white bitch" I said. We can't help but look at each other and laugh, it's what we do. She just brightens my day like that. I never got Billie's number so I couldn't ask how lunch was going with Satan, so I just waited until I got home.

As I was walking home I saw a group of people I had a fuck ton of problems with so I walked faster. One called out "Andy don't fucking think we're not going to beat your ass one day. We know where you live." And it was true a few of them have been to my house and I was only a 15 minute walk away from our high school. They started following me, not saying anything after that, just following. I started having a panic attack and ran into a book store waiting for them to leave which they eventually did. "Can I help you m'am?" I jump and turn around and see Billie. She's laughing her ass off.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. "Just uh, looking for books. What are you doing here?" She said while trying to put her book behind her back. "Just some stupid people I used to be friends with started following me. They threatened to kill me about a year ago so I'm steering clear of that road. Anyways doesn't matter"and she stopped me right there. "What the hell Andy this is important your life is on the line. Do you want me to walk you home or should my mom pick us up?" I told her I was fine but she grabbed my shoulder with her free hand and told me to choose one. "It'd be cool if your mom could drive us" I said.

The car ride was a little tense. Billie and I sat in the back but Pepper, her dog, was back there too. I was in the middle and Billie was on my right and we were silent the whole ride home. 6 minutes felt like half an hour. It started with just our knees touching but she moved her legs away from me. But we went over a speed bump a little too fast and her hand jumped to my thigh. She didn't realize until I looked at her and she slowly moved it back. Slowly. And then shortly I was dropped off at my house. "Bill could I get your number?" And she said yes and we exchanged numbers.

I texted her and asked how it went with Spencer.
Billie: it was actually really gr8 he bought me some food
Me: oh that's cool just watch out he really isn't good for anyone
Billie: do you have experience with him or what?
Me: no I never liked him. I've only dated two guys ever and that was in middle school
Billie: two? I'm surprised, you're really great

And the conversation continued with small talk.

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