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Suga son

Suga son: Choi Seungcheol, where tf r u rn?

Me: ?

Me: im at the studio lol

Suga son: im horny rn

Suga son: i need u

Suga son: daddy

Me: ...

Me: where's your bf?

Suga son: what u talking about?

Suga son: u r my bf

Me: no, ur bf is kwon soonyoung not me

Me: go fuck with hoshi

Suga son: i cant

Me: why?

Suga son: because he said i need daddy material first

Suga son: since u r the leader, that mean u r daddy material

Me: .....

Me: dk why but i feel so offended rn

Suga son: why u feel so offended? Jeonghan said you're good at bed

Me: ...

Suga son: r u coming or wht

Me: NO! Go fuck yourself

Suga son: wow daddy is nice to me

Me: im not your DADDY oh god

Suga son: then what r u?


Suga son: LOL leader, my ass

Me: ...wtf is wrong with u woozi

Suga son: i told u, im horny

Me:why u feel so horny 2am in the morning?!

Suga son: well im sorry, thats whAT MY BODY WANTS IT NOW 

Me: lol

Suga son: u know wht

Me: wht

Suga son: bye

Me: ...why i need to deal with this gp


I actually ship JiCheol too :-)

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