Schizophrenian Amnesia

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I barely sleep

How can I? faces keeps hunting

Whenever I close my eyes  It's like a movie scene

Fairies, ghost, angels and demons

Dramas, thrillers, actions, comedies and fantasies

They're just one blink away

Tell me how to sleep

When a lot of voices enter my head

Some tell me to be good

Some persuade me to do the other way

Even i put my two hands in my ear

Still voices i can hear

Rarely I sleep

Just a nap thanks to those sleeping pills

It helps me show my sleeping skills

But I can't have it daily

I don't want it to be my habbit

Maybe you wonder

Why schizophrenian amnesia not insomia

I don't know the difference of day and night anymore

The scene was so vivid always keeps me awake

Awake that sometimes I don't remember how to sleep

July 3, 2014

Mysterious Aries

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