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104th Cadet Corps
-14 Years Old-

'When you join the army, you are asked to lay down your life for your country

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'When you join the army, you are asked to lay down your life for your country. That is a tremendous oath to make. In return, a good country should offer that soldier every possible means it can to allow that soldier to stay alive and, upon return, healthy - both physically and mentally.
-Michael Winter


Lines of cadets stood before Shadis as he yelled away trying to intimitate and break anyone who couldn't handle the pressure. My bronze colored eyes swept over each and every face memorising and placing each of them in my head to remember. Most of them would either go to the Garrison or to the Survey Corps with only ten being able to enter the Military Police but, even then not all of them will go. And then some will not survive to have children of their own. Alot will die a gruesome fate while they faced titans and it didn't help the aspect of five years ago when a Colossal attacked the first gate and another, a armoured titan, took out the second one. They both worked hand and hand destroying alot of lives and taking land that we could have used. The years following the attack were hard and I was glad when our grandfather found us, starving and looking like twigs. He was the only hope for my brother to survive. Davien started getting super sick during this time but got lucky to have survived. My brother was always a sickly kid but made up for it in determination to make this world better. I have never seen such a determination to do so in anyone and I couldn't help but make sure the dream would live even if I died.

Something grabbed a hold of my arm and shook. I looked up to see my younger brother by two years. Bringing me out of my daze.

"Time to get our other sets of uniforms and then head off to eat." A huge smile adorned his face and I couldn't help but smile back and ruffle his hair. "Hey," He yelped then started fixing his hair when I started to walk off.

I busted out laughing as I walked away. "Come on dork."

I grabbed my extra set of clothes, put them away and changed into my stupid dress. Heading to the eating hall, I kicked stones that bounded ahead of me. I hummed a soft tune as I walked forward looking up to the sky looking for any clouds that looked like anything I knew. Nothing interesting of course but, still more interesting then the ground.

Getting to the hall didn't take long but, I took long enough to have everyone look up when I got there. I just ignored their looks grabbed the soup and bread and sat down next to Davien. He was talking to two girls, one was pretty short in stature with bright grey eyes with black hair that was set into two neat pony tails. Her smile made her eyes wrinkle on the side telling me she was a happy person in general. Her teeth were straight compared to alot of people I have met. And her personality was so bright I should have something that blocks my field of vision. The other girl was a complete opposite to the ebony head besides the height. She had blonde hair with it pulled back into a messy bun with bangs that's covered her right eye. Her eyes where an icy blue that mirrored her personality spot on. She was reserved and seemed to be cold to everyone. And telling from the bags from under her eyes she was probably like this because of something she went through. Something bad.

"Mina, Annie this is my older sister Viena," He was grinning like crazy then pointed to each one saying their names. "This beautiful lady right here is Mina," the ebony haired girl giggled and blushed. Oh no, looks like another one of those girls. "And this girl is Annie - she dosent talk much, fyi." My brother stage whispered into my ear making me role my eyes and shove his face away.

"Don't be an ass," my voice was void of any emotion as I took a bite of my bread, finishing my food. Standing once more I grabbed my dishes and put them in the sink so I could wash mine and put it to the side. Since it was the first day no one was assigned to the kitchen just yet so everyone was assigned to wash their own 'damn dishes and set them out to dry, maggots'.

Sighing, I pulled my peach colored hair to the side making a side braid as I started walking back to the dorms. Laughter and conversations filled my ears but, I wanted no part in it except when they started talking about the titans. Eren Yeager was here and that surprised me but at the same time not so much considering his hot headedness.

"The titan are not all that bad. We practice and work hard then we can defeat them. Those stupid titans, their not that big a deal, I'm joining the scouts regiment then I'm sending the titans back to hell. I'm going to butcher them all," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Everyone stopped whispering, listening and looked at me when I did so. Eren's eyes lit up with a bit of anger and he scowled. "You got a problem?"

I rolled my eyes before crossing my hands over my chest. "You're stupid childish aspirations will get you killed in this world. Titans are a big deal or so many people wouldn't die, even Scouts, people who are professionals in doing so - die. So, grow up before you stupid ass gets killed over you're overconfidence and reckless behavior. That will only get other people killed and I'd like not to be one of those people you get killed." My voice was filled with venom as I continued. "The colossal titan knew what it was doing when it tore down that gate. This intelligence that it holds is way beyond regular titans. The armoured titan is covered in armour and it is strong. Way normal than any that the Scouts have encountered before. These two stuck together knowing what they were doing. So, don't be a fool about on how you'll be 'deafeating them all on your own.' It's a foolish thought because those two titans don't give one flying shit about who and what your life is about. All they want is our destruction, so get a grip and stop having a piss poor thought process," His face went red with anger but, I was out of the hall before he could say anything else. This world was dangerous and we didn't need idiots like that in the military to fuck up and get everyone killed. Letting your emotions out is good and all but, there comes a time when you need to learn how to control them.

There is a time to feel and a time to be a husk.

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