Chapter 3

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“You’re not a bad dancer Evans,” James said as they walked out of the great hall,

“You’re not bad either Potter,” Lily replied.

Lily turned to walk up the stairs to go back to Gryffindor common rooms but James grabbed her wrist,

“Where are you going?” He asked,

“Back to the dormitories,”

“Why? We could go for a walk down by the lake or something,” Lily shuck her head,

“You know I’m really starting to doubt that you don’t like this love stuff,”

“What?” James cried,

“A romantic walk James, seriously?”

“It doesn’t have to be romantic Lily, it’s up to you how loved up you make it,” Lily frowned at James who sighed, “Just come on!”

The two of them wander out of the castle front door and down toward the lake. “Did you enjoy tonight?” James asked. Lily nodded,

“It wasn’t bad,” The two of them sat down by the side of the lake,

“That makes it sound like it wasn’t very good,” James sighed. Lily smiled,

“It was good. The point I was trying to make was it was better than I was expecting.” James frowned at Lily,

“You’re digging yourself a hole Lily,”

“I wasn’t trying to,” Lily said with a giggle. James smiled,

“I know.”

The two of them sat gazing out over the lake for a while. Until James dipped his hand in the lake and scooped up a handful of water. He cupped his hands together and squirted the water at Lily who squealed,

“What was that for?” Lily cried,

“Well there’s only so long you can spend gazing into space,”

“Is that so?” Lily giggled as she dragged her hand through the water splashing James,

“Oh it’s like that is it?” James laughed, he stood up and jumped into the lake, splashing Lily as he landed. Lily threw water at James but he jumped out the way and ran deeper into the water,

“Oh, you don’t get away that easily!” Lily laughed as she kicked off her shoes and ran into the cold water after James.

The two of them ran deeper into the lake, trying to splash each other as they went. James stopped running once he was standing in the centre of the lake. He turned and grinned at Lily,

“Seen as I seem to have got you so many more times than you’ve got me you can have a free shot!” Lily raised her eye browns but she didn’t say anything. She dipped her hands into the water and dragged up as much water as she could, splashing James who just laughed,

“Not bad Evans,” He said, “now come here and I’ll carry you back to shore!” Lily frowned but it soon turned into a giggle,

“Despite what you say you really are a romantic aren’t you Potter?” James shuck his head as an attempt to brush Lily off,

“Just come here, we wouldn’t want to ruin that dress now would we?”

“Oh yeah because running through a lake while your splashing me totally hasn’t ruined it already!” The two of them looked down at the hem of Lily’s dress. It came down to just above the waterline.

James sighed and walked over to Lily then scooped her up in his arms.

“You’re so romantic,” She giggled, grapping hold of James shoulder so as to steady herself. James rolled his eyes,

“No I’m not,” He argued back. Lily smiled,

“Oh yeah? Well you just better hope nobody can see this!”

James walked back to shore carrying Lily in his arms. He emerged from the water a carefully placed Lily down on the grass.

“I’m all wet,” He murmured sadly, looking down at himself,

“What did you expect?” Lily replied sarcastically. James stuck his tongue out and Lily returned the gesture.

“You’re feet are all muddy,” James commented after a moment,

“So are yours,” Lily replied,

“Yes but I have shoes on and you don’t,” Lily shrugged,

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll wash them when we get back,” She said,

“Yes but you’ll have to walk back with muddy feet,” James said, “So would you like me to carry you back?” Lily frowned at James,

“No I do not,” She snapped, “That is really going to stop this from looking like a romantic walk,” Lily picked up her shoes and strapped them to her feet.

“Fine, I was only offering as I imagine it’s hard to walk in heals anyway let alone when you’re feet are muddy too!” Lily stood up and took a step towards the castle,

“How thoughtful of you. Now, shall we head back?” James nodded and stepped in the same direction as Lily.

The two of them walked back in silence, through the front door and up to the Gryffindor common room.

“Goodnight Lily Evans,” James said as the were about to go their separate ways,

“Goodnight James Potter,” She replied with a smile and then they headed off to their separate dormitories.

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