Chapter 4

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Lily awoke the next morning to an empty room.

“Great,” She cried, glancing at the clock on her bedside table. She leapt out of bed and quickly got dressed.

She hurried out of the dormitory and common before running down to the great hall.

Lily slipped into a seat next to Claire and grabbed a piece of toast,

“So tell us about last night,” Claire cried as soon as Lily sat down,

“Yeah, what happened after you left last night?” Amanda said very eagerly.

“Nothing happened,”

“Come on something must have happened,” Claire said,


“Oh come on you must have done something, even if it was only walking,” Amanda said, unwilling to except that nothing happened,

“Well we had a water fight…” Both Claire and Amanda’s faces changed from a very eager look to a somewhat disapproving one.

“Really?” Amanda sighed,

“Seriously Lil? You could have been kissing James Potter yet you chose to have a childish game!”

“What?” Lily cried, doing almost a double take, “I do not want to kiss James!” Claire and Amanda both gave each other a knowing look and Lily rolled her eyes, “I don’t, anyway tell me what happened to you two last night.”

Just as Lily had hoped, this drew the attention away from James and herself,

“Well Tom was being really nice until his stupid friends turned up and then he started acting like he didn’t know me!” Claire grumbled, pulling a weird face at the same time,

“Well my night was much better,” Amanda started, no sooner than Claire had finished, “Remus was really sweet all evening. He’s taking me to Hogsmeade on Saturday, you and James should come with us – you know as a double date!”

Lily glared at Amanda,

“I am not dating James Potter,” she said slowly. Both Claire and Amanda raised their eyebrows as if to say they didn’t believe her.

Lily’s eyes narrowed and then she loudly stood up. She couldn’t take it anymore. Claire and Amanda were supposed to be her friends yet they didn’t believe a word she said!

Lily grabbed what was left of her toast and then swept out of the hall. A quick glance at her watch told her that she still had a little bit of time before she had to be at potions so she headed back towards the Gryffindor common room.

The room was pretty much empty as Lily walked in, everyone was at breakfast, so she sat down in a large chair by the fire place and took out her charms essay. It wasn’t due in until the next day but she figured that she may as well do it while she had some time. Suddenly she was interrupted,

“Evans,” Lily looked up to see Sirius Black standing over her,

“Black,” She retorted,

“What happened last night?” He demanded, Lily rolled her eyes,

“I don’t see how that is any of your business,” she replied through gritted teeth,

“Well I am James’s best friend…”

“So ask James,”

“He got annoyed when I asked him,” Lily smirked to herself, it would seem that James friends were being the same as her friends,

“You should take that as a hit,”

“Awww, so sorry your date went badly,” Sirius said, changing his tone of voice. Lily glared at Sirius,

“It wasn’t a date!” Sirius pause momentarily before saying,

“Sorry your evening went badly.” Lily frowned, “Well if you don’t want to talk about it that tends to mean that whatever it was went badly,” Sirius explained quickly. Lily nodded. She guessed that was better than everyone thinking it was a date.

“Thank, I think. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go to potions.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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