The Black Sheep Seed

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Evette stared at her legs as they dangled from the high porch. She twiddle her feet together, as showers from the rain misted her old white dirty laced shoes. Lost in thought, Evette is in her world all alone. Not a sound of existence, just silence. Not even the showering drops of the rain that has now come further onto the porch. At this point Evette is drenched from head to toe. What could possibly troubles this 9 year old to become numb to the world. "Evette" (a smothered voice from afar). "Evette" (the voice now revealing a female). At this point Evette is making her way back to the real world. Now realizing how wet she has become. She biggins to clear the rain from her face with her hand. The screen door swings open with force. "Evette, you don't here me calling you"? Yes ma'am, (Evette replied as she quickly rises to her feet). Child, get in here and get yourself dried so you can help prepare dinner before your father returns. Evette stands still with a sad but frightening expression. I said move child, now! Evette walk towards the door sliding her back on the frame as she enters with her arms in a defensive position, trying to block her face.  Out of nowhere her mother slaps her to the floor. Im sorry mama! Holding her right cheek as she cried. "I'm getting sick of your nonsense, always causing trouble". Evette quickly gets up and run to the room. She burst through the door, dives in the bottom bunk and plows her face into the pillow. "I can't wait till I get big, I'm leaving this place", she cries out to herself. You better quiet down before momma hears you. You shut up Jackie! You think because you're the oldest you can tell me what to do. Evette lowers her tone as she stare out the window beyond the field. You just wait, you all just wait. Evette continues to stare beyond the field as the tears drown down her face. The other siblings shake their head and continue to clean the room. Y'all girls get in here. Shirley, called out from the kitchen. Yes ma'am, replied Evette, Jackie and Tish. They quickly head into the kitchen. Evette, you set the table and Tish finishing rinsing them collards and get them in the pot quickly. And if I bite one piece of grain it will be your tail in boiling water. When Jackie finish draining those potatoes I want you to get to mashing Evette. Jackie grinned and poked her tongue at Evette. Angrily with an envious face, Evette complained, why I gotta do it, Jackie don't never do nothing. Do what you told girl. You always making trouble. If it wasn't for your father, I would send you away. Lester think he's protecting an angel, you ain't nothing but a wanch devil child. Jackie dropped the strained pot of potatoes onto the floor. Tish dropped the collards on the stove. They were so shocked of Shirley's words to Evette. What in the hell is wrong with y'all. Pick this shit up and rinse it off. Today is payday and y'all trying to sabotage me. Yes ma'am, Jackie and Tish responded. Evette just stood there with a numb face as her eyes filled without overflowing. The boys peeked into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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