"...I don't care who you guys are..."

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"Arabella!" I heard my mother call me.
"Get ready and get out of the house, go do something,anything but leave! I'm having visitors in an hour and I don't want you here!"
Geesh thanks mom. I really do know you love me. *note the sarcasm* I think to myself.
"FINE! I'll be out their door in 20! I say from upstairs. "Make it 10!" she yells back.
Yup my mom loves me. *again note my sarcasm* well this is what happens to me everyday *sighs* oh well I've learned to live with it besides it's not like I have much time left to live. Well my name is Arabella Muñoz and I have brain cancer. There's a name for it but it makes me feel like they think they can label my disease all fancy and scientific as a comfort to me dying. I know it's stupid but it is after all a stupid name for a disease. Oh yeah back to the point- I had decided I wasn't taking any treatments cuz I kinda don't care I mean I'm already dying, yup as you can see I'm not gonna sugarcoat my situation, I don't have anything or anyone to live for. Even my parents were happy when they heard my decision since they wouldn't be wasting a penny on me even though they're filthy rich lawyers. They don't really care of what i do anymore. especially after being diagnosed with cancer- now they see me as a bigger disappointment. they don't seem to like anything about me except my good grades and my love for reading, no I'm not a nerd *rolls eyes*.
I change into decent shorts- yeah I'm no slut I don't even understand why girls wear short shorts I mean it doesn't even fully cover their butts- (a/n didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry if I did) and a black tank top with my black converse, throw my hair in a messy ponytail, grab my phone and penny board, and head out. I don't even bother telling my mom that I was already leaving as she had told me to. I decided I would stop at Starbucks, well technically I go there almost every day and no I'm not a typical white girl from the stereotypes. Actually I'm not even white. I have light brown skin-not tan but not white or even olive skin tone- as a result from having a white mother and a Mexican father. Anyways so I order my caramel frap (my usual) and look for a seat towards the back. I find one next to a table of two cute guys around my age. One has baby blue eyes and the other has a huge breath taking smile. They both seem very tall. As I go towards the seat the boy with the smile stands up as if to greet me and i just smile and sit down enjoying my drink and the free wifi, I see him sit down nervously from the corner of my eye. As I'm enjoying my drink I can feel they're eyes burning into me so I look up and say "can I help you with something?" I accidentally sound slightly rude so I cover up with a smile. They look taken aback and the brown eyed boy -with the smile- (a/n sorry in horrible with descriptions) says "not to be stuck up or anything but don't you know who we are?" " No, and frankly I don't care who you guys are, sorry. Why? should I some how know you guys?" I respond . They seem so taken back by my respond but I was just being honest.. "Well then I guess we should introduce ourselves..."

A/N if anyone is reading this, comment who you think they are!! I know one of them is probably obvious but still!! oh and does anyone know how I can add pictures and things like that?

My Cancer Story with Magcon BoysWhere stories live. Discover now