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A/N: if you're wondering what Sara may look like she is in the picture above. She's my ship child oc of greyman and foxtail.

A year after they got married, foxtail was pregnant.

She usually stayed at the headquarters for the time being, when there was a mission, foxtail would use walkie talkies to comuticate during missions and give commands, sometimes other heroes would help the team out. Just a few months ago she found out the baby was a girl.

Foxtail was laying down clutching her stomach, as she was getting contractions. Greyman walked in a minute later. "Foxy? Are you doing okay?" he asked "yeah, just having contractions is all."

Greyman walked over and sat next to her "do you need anything?" he asked

"No, at least, not now." foxtail said.

"Okay, foxy just making sure" he smiled and kissed her lips "you're cute when you worry~" foxtail giggled

"Oh, stop!" greyman blushed as he hid his face in his scarf, foxtail took his hat of and kissed his head, causing him to blush more. "Heh, you're cute, doc" foxtail smiled "you're not to bad yourself foxy" he said as he uncovered his face and put his hat back on. "So hows the baby?" he asked

"Still kicking, but good!" foxtail beamed.

"Good!" he smiled as he kissed her cheek.

A few hours later they snuggled eachother and slept, foxtail then woke up in a cold sweat,

Her water broke, she was ready "Grey! Its happening!" greyman snapped awake put foxtail in a wheelchair and ran to the POINT emergency room.
He layed her on the bed and got her ready he called rippy in for assistance.

"Ok foxy, hold my hand and breath! Rippy will assist." greyman said as he held her hand. Foxtail squeezed it and pushed with all her might, she never felt more painful in her life. "Aahhhhgggghhh!" she screamed. "Just breath foxtail! Breath!" greyman told her.

Foxtail tried to keep calm as she pushed harder and harder. "Bah! Bah Bah!" rippy said as they saw the babies head And torso "you're almost there just keep breathing!" greyman said


"Waaahhh wahh wahh!" a baby cry was heard, rippy cleaned the baby and wrapped her in a blanket and handed her to greyman.

"Foxtail, she's beautiful, look." he handed her to his wife, she had soft Grey skin beautiful brown eyes and orange hair and white streaks.

"She is." foxtail said "what's her name?"


Don't cry (Greyman x foxtail)Where stories live. Discover now