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A few years after Sara was born, foxtail, greyman, and rippy all agreed to visit the plaza

Despite the sandwich incident and how foxtail treated Mr gar, they all forgave eachother, and decided to visit every so often.

Although they were happy to pay them a visit, they were upset, due to missing carol, and Mr gars wedding, its been a few years since they've seen eachother, so they thought Mr Gar and carol were angry at them.

They soon arrived and as if on cue, nora, KO, Mr gar, and carol saluted. Foxtail stepped out "we are so sorry we missed your wedding!

Its okay evreyone," carol said "we missed you" Mr gar smiled as they both hugged there old freinds. Carol let go "evreyone, this is Ko and Nora." she smiled and gestured her hand to the kids. "They're our kids" Mr gar smiled and held carol's hand.

Rippy smirked and nudged Mr gar "bah bah bah!" they laughed. Foxtail smiled and shook her head letting out a laugh, then evreyone, including, KO and nora, were laughing.

"Did you guys know about, 'he-who-shall-be-nameless?' foxtail asked

"You mean lazer?" carol scoffed angrily "of course I do, he almost killed me, gene and KO!" she said as she pointed at them "why?"

Doctor greyman said "well, we were on a steakout and we saw him trying to steal somthing, then he just, well, left." he looked to his feet

Mr Gar saw how uncomfortable carol was, "uh, hey I'd try not to talk about the uh, 'L' word so loosely around carol." he whispered

"Bah! Bah-bah" rippy looked away sheepishly

"Sorry about that..." foxtail looked away

There was a long, awkward silence that followed.


A boxmore box landed and vennomus (A.k.a lazerblast)
Stepped out.

As if on cue, rad and enid ran out "that's no bot, that's vennomus!" Rad shouted

"And Im not even vennomus, twerp! its lazerblast!" he said as he faced Carol, Mr Gar, Foxtail, Doctor Greyman and Rippy Roo.

Carol grumbled like a volcano

"Miss me, silver?" Lazerblast smirked.

"Not one bit..." Carol growled.

"Keep away from her and our kids!" Mr Gar shouted as he put his arm infront of them.

As if on cue, carol, greyman, foxtail, and rippy stood next to Mr gar "you all ready?" foxtail asked as evreyone nodded, nora and KO hid behind a car.

Mr gar was the first to charge at lazerblast he threw his fist towards him but, lazerblast blocked him and threw him at carol, but in the nick of time carol caught her lover and skidded across the pavement. Rippy roo then grabbed a hammer out of there pouch and swung at lazer but kept missing "BAH, BAH BAH-BAHHH!" they shouted. Greyman used his telekenises and threw lazer into the air, but lazer broke out of it and tackled him to the ground, foxtail then threw multiple punches at lazer but lazer grabbed her fist and threw her into the bodega

Enid and rad mashed there powers together, Enid used her ice breath and Rad used his telekenises to lift the chunk of ice and threw it at lazer, unfortunately lazer punched the chunk of ice, causing it to break,

Then a flash of light was shining bright and was headed towards lazerblast and hit him hard. He layed sprawled on the pavement. Nora and KO highfived. Carol walked over to lazerblast "you screwed up bigtime bub, don't ever come near me, my kids, my husband or my friends ever again!" carol shook her head and kicked him away to boxmore.

She then turned around with relief written all over her face, she, along with Mr gar ran to KO and nora and gave them kisses and bear hugs!

Rippy greyman and foxtail smiled and walked over to them and cheered.

Foxtail thought for a moment, "elbow, silver, you can come back to the team if you like!"

Carol and Mr gar looked at eachother then at the kids "that's a nice offer foxtail, but, were already on a mission." carol said

"We must protect eachother, our kids and the plaza, and its a life long mission as well" Mr gar anoucced.

Foxtail smiled "you two have come so far, and have so much dedication to eachother and you're kids, Im very proud" foxtail said as she clapped, soon rippy, greyman, and even nora and KO joined in.

Carol smiled "we did gene, we did come this far." she smiled "yes, my love, we did" Mr gar leaned forward and kissed carols lips. "Aw!" KO and nora smiled rippy smirked and looked at greyman and foxtail, greyman looked at foxtail and awkwardly kissed her cheek.

"You two are together? That's cute!" carol blushed and smiled. Foxtail nodded "yup, were married!" she smiled "whelp were even Steven! Heh," carol smiled

They hung out for the rest of the day until sunset.

"Well, I hope you all have a good day!" foxtail smiled as she walked into the plane "see you all real soon!"

"Bye!" greyman called "bah bah!" rippy shouted.

"Bye! Miss you already! Have a good day!" carol and Mr gar called. Nora and KO waved good bye as the plane closed and flew away

Carol smiled and held Mr gars hand "so, what did you kids think?" she asked

"I LOVE THEM!" Nora shouted and jumped in circles

"They were amazing!" KO smiled

"Were glad you liked them." Mr gar said as he picked nora up and they all walked to the car and drove home.

When foxtail, greyman and rippy came back, they found Sara on the floor asleep with a piece of paper full of random math equations

Greymam smiled and picked her up, he and foxtail walked over to her room, layed her down and kissed her good night.

They then layed together and snuggled "y'know doc, Im glad we saw silver and El·bow again, I was totally wrong about El·bow." foxtail said "Im glad you're happy, foxy" he kissed her cheek and nuzzled her neck. "I love you foxy!" he smiled. "I love you too doc." foxtail replied and they both fell asleep.

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