1st chapter

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Zara was one of the most popular girls in sixth form, everyone wanted what she wore, her phone, her friends and number one;her boyfriend. Zak was also the popular kid in sixth form. He had the looks, the body and maybe not the personality. Zak was known for his money and especially his history, the reason Zak got popular is because of his pool party at his mansion of a house! Basically the whole of the sixth form went to this party. Scarlett use to be the popular girl until her and Zak broke up. At the party Zak and Scarlett were, let's just say more then friends but less than a relationship. Zak had a reputation to be obviously close to ALL of the girls, but that all changed when Zara joined sixth form. She moved from Blueluke sixth form to the one and only wilkinson sixth form. As soon as Zara set foot in the building; along with her looks, her figure and personality all the boys went from Scarlett, straight to Zara. Obviously Zak was the first one to introduce himself, he said the casual phrase 'heya, I'm Zak!' Despite Zak's looks and his full package;) Zara really wasn't interested at all. She kind of gave him the smile look and then turn away action! No ones ever turned Zak down and especially a new girl! A week passed and Zak and Zara were getting closer each day, Scarlett was pushed out of the picture by Zak and Zara soon became the new 'popular girl'. Everyone knows what a school/sixth form is like, everyone and I mean everyone gets a label put onto them from day one, whether the label is, a lesbian, gay, bi sexual, weird or popular or hot or ugly. That label kind of sticks to that one person the first day or time they meet you. Zara was one of those people that had long blonde hair with a small nose and a few freckles, a slim face, a slim but curvy figure and obviously an amazing bum! Zak had smooth brownish blondish hair with a little flick, with a muscular build and blue eyes. No matter how jealous people were, literally everyone said they fitted perfectly together. 2 months passed and everything was going more than better. Until, Zak wanted sex! Zak had lost his virginity before, in fact with Scarlett on the nigh of the party, it wasn't that Zara was scared about it; it's just that she wasn't ready and wanted to take things more slow, despite how much she liked him. Zak kept on pressuring her and pressuring her until Zara just said if all you want from me is sex then you know where the door is. No matter how much Zara liked him or grew to love him, she knew that her mum always said if you're not ready, don't do it. Zara's mum died in a tragic car accident along with Zara's dad when she was 16. Zara was put into care and was lucky enough to find a family that was so loving and rich! Zara had been keeping it a secret from everyone apart from Zak. When Zara basically said your dumped if you only want to have sex with me. Zak was having none of it and that's when Zara saw that the guy who looked amazing actually turned out to be a complete waste of space and waste of anyone's time. Zak forced Zara into having sex that night she told him that he can get gone, else he said he would tell everyone her little secret about being in care and about how she has no parents. In Zara's sixth form you was classed for having an unstable home which basically means you were not capable of anything if you didn't have your biological parents around to live with. Zara soon came depressed after being raped at the age of 16.

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