Chapter 2

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Zara's and Zak's relationship had been going on for about 6 months now and each day Zara gets more and more depressed with her life in sixth form and home. Recently, her foster grandma had passed away. Zara was really close to her and her grad a was the only one who new about Zak. Zara now struggles at school which is effecting the respect that her foster parents have for her! All Zara wants is not to be forced into anything and have no secrets and not to be ashamed of having foster parents or being in care or used to be in care. This new boy called Alex was in all of Zara's lessons and he soon became her new boy bestfriend but obviously Zak didn't take that to well. After Zara felt more comfortable around Alex, she began to tell him what problems she had been facing with Zak. Alex had blond hair, had an alright body and also had blue eyes. He was hot but compared to Zak he was classed as not 'cool'. Obviously immediately Alex wanted to confront him but Zak said he would kill Zara if word got out. Scarlett came up to Zara and started questioning her about her relationship with Zak. At first Zara thought she was jealous of Zak having a new girlfriend, but Zara was catching on on the questions she was asking, I.e: 'has he ever hurt you?' And 'has he ever sexually abused you'. That's when it clicked to Zara, the same obviously happened to Scarlett. In the non obvious way, Zara asked Scarlett what actually happened to hers and Zak's relationship. Scarlett immediately went all shy and just said that's not relevant so Zara replied with if you want to know answers to these questions you better start talking. Scarlett then completely opened up to Zara and explained about all the relationship with Zak. She started off by saying:

"He was such a lovely guy and we were getting along fine and he seemed like he didn't have a nasty side to him, until later on in the relationship at the party he put a lot of pressure on me."

Zara replied "what pressure?"

Scarlett said "he raped me and I feel so dirty, I feel like it was my fault! Why did I let him do it? He said that anything I told him he would use against me but I knew some secrets about him so as quick as I could I got out of the relationship. It disturbed me so much and my personality was gone when i was with him. He said I can only get out of the relationship if he tells everyone he dumped me, so I thought if would allow that because that's better than being pressured into things with him."

Zara, shockley face said "omg I'm so sorry, I never new your side of the story. To the questions. He has done the exact same to me and I'm so scared of him now he used to be my night and shining armer and now he's my demon that I can never get away from. Does it ever get easier with him? Every time I look at him or think about him all that goes through my head is that night when he raped me"

"I never will know if it would of got easier as I got our quick enough before he could do anymore damage but you on the other hand, I don't think you are mentally and physically strong enough to be able to get out of the relationship. I could help you. Teachers could help you. Your mum or dad or either both could help you. I wish I was lucky enough as you to have parents, mine put me in care from a young age but now I'm so lucky to have a stable home with my lovely foster parents. Don't tell anyone, everyone will judge me for having an 'unstable home with no real parents'. Sorry I can't imagine you knowing how I feel, I shouldn't have told you, forget I said anything, bye thanks for the talk. Always here if you need me!" Said Scarlett.

Zara replied "don't tell anyone either but I was in care once, both my parents were in a car cry crash and died when I was 16. I now have a loving foster dad and mum who look after me great! But the only problem is stuff with Zak is effecting me at home, which is effecting my relationship with them. Zak knows about me being in care and said if I dare tell a soul about anything that happened with me, he will tell everyone and he said that he will kill me. I'm always here for you too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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