face reveal

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Clickbait.  Sorry.  This got your attention though.  Alright, serious Aria time. Whoosh Whoosh?

Alright. This question has been everywhere recently. DM's on every social media I own... Comments...  Of course I appreciate all your comments and such but honestly I just delete the comments about my face and reply to the messages with, "Maybe." or "I have no clue."

The thing about me is that I like to be very private.  I present myself very differently in real life than I do online.  Online I am happy and cheerful and sweet. I show all my emotions and always want to message and interact with you guys! I feel so much more confident. Online, I am Aria. A confident, sassy person who has no boundaries and can do I anything I want.

Real life me is very different.

I am a completely different person. I am shy yet I talk way too much because I hate silence. I hate people.  I have a low self esteem. Offline I hate myself because I have flaws.

I suppose most of you are curious about my appearance and you want to know, who really is Aria?  Well.  I don't know who I am. I am figuring stuff out, I am just not comfortable with people seeing me.  I know if you saw what I look like I would be a completely different person to you all.

Online and Offline stay separate. I am Aria here. I am not Aria offline.

I feel like its a comfort shield. Aria is the real me.  While the  other me is, sad, lonely, anxious, odd even. The offline me is a mask. You guys see more of my actual  personality than you think you do.

I am not comfortable with a face reveal right now.  I want you all to know me as Aria. And that's all. If you knew what I actually look like you wouldn't see me the same I'm afraid.  I don't want that.

I feel like my eyes are to big, I'm too tall. Lanky even. I slouch too much. I spit when I talk because the words just tumble out, like I'm afraid someone else will speak them. My teeth are too crooked...

The list goes on and on.  I am not beautiful. I am rest assured, a living, breathing human being who is insecure about myself.

I am not beautiful or talented. I am not unique nor smart. I am simply Aria 

Now, please stop asking.

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