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Ah. The chapter everyone has been asking for. One that I actually express emotion. I'm monotone and you guys want to see the real me. I get it I guess.

So I guess I'll just rant, since that's what this book is for.

I have had horrible writers block for the past year or so.  I honestly have no clue why. But I get to the point where I hate to even type anything because nothing creative comes out. I can't even start the story I'm working on right now.

There's many reasons why this happens though. Here's a list:

1.) Lack of support

No one I know personally on wattpad even acknowledges my stories. No one reads them. I ask for criticism but instead I always get the same line. "It looks fine." I try to bring up my stories but I get drowned out. Everyone else's stories and idea's are more important I suppose.  I am the youngest of my group of friends, therefore I am less experienced and I am still learning new things. You would think that would make them want to help, but sadly. They don't. 

Like I said earlier. I never get constructive criticism, so I never know how to improve. It doesn't help that my family hates my writing habits and they wish I would just grow out of it. Doesn't help that my family is falling apart. The list of people I can depend on gets smaller everyday.

2.) Anxiety

I have horrible anxiety, I can't even message my close friends without getting way to anxious, there's no way I can post something that I don't think is as perfect as it could possibly be.   

I'll just end it there i guess. i can't even write this apparently.

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