A Healthy Balance

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   Peter's pov:

You'd think it's easy keeping a secret when the lives of everyone you love hangs in the balance. That the very thought of exposing such a thing would be repulsing, and for the most part you are correct. The thought of harm coming to Aunt may or Ned or anyone else for that matter made me feel sick. But there were times, moments when all I wanted was to scream it from the tallest building in Queens or show every person who ever treated me like shit that I wasn't just a little nerd with no friends. To show them I was stronger and more powerful than they could ever imagine. That the kid they  called penis Parker  saved the city and them everyday. That I was friends with the freaking Avengers for God's sake. If only flash knew who he was teasing... but with the threat to my loved ones, being penis Parker was the best way to protect them.


   So for a quick recap, I last year I found out my crushes dad was an evil dude who tried to kill me the night of homecoming. I defeated him and Liz moved with her mom and he was sentenced to life in prison.

    During the summer I officially passed my suits training wheels course with a little help from Tony and Karen.  Tony took me for most of the summer to stay at the avenger's building to train so I don't die the next time I have a big fight. To say aunt May was not eager to let me be spider Man was an under statement to say the least . She was absolutely against all of it but in the end Tony talked her into letting me continue to suit up every night as long as Tony trained me the best he possibly could and not let me do any mission without calling her.

   Since  i'd proved I could handle myself without my suit homecoming night, Tony was more prepared to let me do more dangerous or important missions when they came up instead of treating me so much like a child. Though he still wouldn't let me join the avenger missions that were top secret danger. I prefer it this way though. I'm able to protect my city by being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and be Peter Parker too.

   Tony told me at the beginning of the semester that I needed to start focusing on keeping a healthy balance of priorities. To keep doing normal activities such as keeping up a social life as well as be spiderman. It was hard at first to not miss every event I said I'd be at but soon I learned to prioritize.

    Being the nerd of school I didn't have much of a social life but as it turned out that was the best thing for me because it meant less stress when it comes to missing important things. I continue to be late to everything but I don't always miss it entirely.

   So now I'm just a Normal 16 year old who just happens to have a huge ass secret. I do all of the normal activities nerds do such as hang out with my friends Ned and MJ, I'm on the quiz team, I stop robbers, and I have a Spanish quiz on Monday. So yeah im a super hero, but I'm also a junior in high school.

   So that's pretty much what went down the past year. Now I think it's time I tell you about MJ.

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