Smiles and Tears

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MJ pov:

I still remember the day peter came back to school after his uncle died two years ago.

 I had moved to queens at the beginning of the semester from Ontario, where I went to a big school with a bunch of fake people who i called my friends. That's where i learned to keep my distance from the plastics, and Queens. high school was filled with them, so I didn't have any "friends". Which was totally fine by me since I didn't need anyone from this dumb school in my life. They were all the same.

 Except for peter Parker.

 He was different. He wasn't rude or a fake nice, he was genuine and nice. Sure he was a huge dork and super awakward, but he managed to be adorable at the same time.  There aren't many people I'd met like that, so I made sure to keep my eye on him. Most people thought I was just obsessed with him, but the truth is he intrigued me.

At every high school you had the same thing. The popular jerks, the band geeks, the nerds, the normal people, the depressed people, and so on. And sure Peter was a full on geek at first glance, all collared shirts and neat hair and straight A's, but as I observed I noticed things no one else seemed to. He wasn't just a nerd, he was really interesting.  He cared for people, and was funny, and kind. even though he tried to cover it up at school, he was diffrent. 

And I saw that.

Then about a year ago I was walking back using the restroom, when I heard a sound id hoped to never hear again in my life.

The sound of heartbroken sobbing coming from... the boys bathroom?

I hesitantly walked around the corner and stopped at the entrance to the bathroom. The crying was definitely coming from in there.
Slowly I opened the door, my curiosity out weighing the cons of what I could find.

What I saw made my heart ache for some reason. On the other side of the room, sitting in the corner with their head in their hands, sat Peter Parker. His sobs racked his body and I instantly froze, feeling like I was intruding, but wanting to help.

"Peter?" I I asked in a gentle voice, not wanting to upset him more than he obviously was.

His head jerked up in surprise at the sound of her quiet voice. He looked away and angrily wiped at his eyes before saying in a shaky voice,
"W-What are you doing in h-here Michelle? Shouldn't you be in class?"

I knew he wasn't meaning as a rude statement, but was just embarrassed that she, of all people, had caught him crying like a baby.

"I heard crying And, uh, wanted to see if you were okay." I knew that was a stupid thing to say when he obviously wasn't, but it just came out.

He looked away, more tears threatening to spill from his soft brown eyes and whispered

"I feel like this pain in feeling  will never stop, and I don't know if I can take it." He leaned his head back onto the wall, as more tears escaped his closed eyes.

I was speechless standing there in front of someone who looked as if they'd just lost everything. I never imagined i would ever see him like this, and I can't say I ever wanted to again. Ever.

"Peter what happened?" I sat down across from him hoping I wasn't crossing a line.

He took a few deep breaths and opened his eyes and looking at me with an intense stare. I could see a sadness in his eyes that he'd been hiding his whole life. A sadness that even I had never seen.

"Last night my uncle went out to get something from the store and didn't come back. We reported him missing when he didn't answer any of our calls or texts, but they said they couldn't do anything for 24 hours. So Aunt May and I waited for him to come home. She forced me to come to school today saying he would probably be home soon and she didn't want me to miss school over it." He looked away again as more tears began to come, before whispering in a broken voice,
 "she just called me saying they found his body."

I let out a small gasp, and his eyes met mine and suddenly he looked angry as he said

"he only had $50 on him. They shot him for $50!"

He broke down and began to sob again, but this time I snapped out of my shock and wrapped my arms around him

He let me hold him as he cried occasionally whispering things like, "I should have been there. I should have saved him." and so on causing me to shake my head and tell him there was nothing he could have done. After about ten minutes of this his phone buzzed and he said his aunt was here to pick him up. He thanked me quietly and walked out of the bathroom. I stood up, shaking a little, before going to look in the mirror and washing my face from the tears.

The rest of the day all I could think about was Peter.

He took a week off of school, and when he came back he wore his usual long sleeve nerd shirts, but he barely said a word to anyone at school and kept his head down walking on the halls. He only spoke in class when forced. I was worried, but I knew he didn't want my pity, so I tried treating him like I usually did, just less harshly.

He didn't talk about it and no one said anything, not even flash. Soon everyone forgot all about it and moved on with their lives, leaving peter behind. But I couldn't just forget about it. I couldn't just ignore peter like everyone else could. I'd seen something that not may people would ever see, and well, it made he want to know more about peter Parker.
              ..        ..     ...      ...   ....

After about a month, peter still wasn't acting like his old self so i decided to get used to the new him, accepting the changes.  I wished there was something, anything, she could do to make it easy on him, but so far all she could do was act normal around him, like he hadn't just lost another father.

Then something just, CHANGED. One day we were going on a field trip to Oscorps industries,  and then peter was acting almost like his old self. That's it. Just, BOOM, old peter back. Of course he wasn't exactly the same, more of an upgraded version.

I went over all the possibilities of what could of happened in the time he changed.

We went on the field trip and took a tour of the facility, staying in one group. About half way through it I heard Peter talking to Ned about how he didn't feel good, before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. He didn't come back the rest of the trip and when I questioned bed about it he said he was sick and his aunt had picked him up.
Peter didn't come back to school for four days.

And that's when the weirdness started. I was just walking to my class like normal, when I heard Ned yell "PETER!" I spun around and saw peter walking up to Ned, and being crashed in a huge hug. As I was turning around I saw something that stopped me dead in my tracks.

Peter smiled.

A real, genuine smile. And I realized how much I'd missed it. The way his eyes scrunched up and seemed to smile  too. The way his perfect teeth were put on display as his joy was shown.

And his laugh. He tossed his head back and laughed at something Ned had said, letting out a sound that made he want to laugh with him.  The way he didn't seem to care about anyone's opinion as he laughed, just enjoying the moment .

Damn. I really missed those smiles.

What was wrong with me?! No. I did NOT miss those dorky smiles. There was no way I was doing this. I was not going to have a freaking crush on Peter Parker.
And then peter met her eyes and smiled.

Damn it...

A/n: I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been having writers block and doubting my writing and all that fun stuff, but here it is.   you enjoy! New part coming soon I promise;) and also, so sorry it was so short... LOBE YOU GUYS

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