18 || Christmas

15 2 2

a/n: I know it's nowhere near Christmas :)


Dear Hyemi,

It's almost Christmas! Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Remember when we used to hold a Christmas party at my house?

"Hyemi!" I yelled. You bobbed your head up at me in response.

"Yes?" You asked.

"Is the food done?"

"Almost! I just need to put the cupcakes on the table." You reached into the oven to get the pastel pink cupcakes out.

"The guests are coming soon!" I panicked as I helped you put each cupcake on the cupcake stand. As I reached the last cupcake, you also reached for it too. We looked at each other. Blush crept up my cheeks. My eyes widened. You laughed it off and I quickly followed. My laugh was more of an awkward laugh but yours wasn't. It was like holding my hand was no big deal for you.

"Hey, we're here!" We heard someone yell from outside. We both turned to see who it was.

"Hi, Yoongi! Hi Soyoung!" You opened the door and let them in.

"Where's Eunji and Tanhee?" Yoongi asked.

"They should be coming soon." Soyoung replied.

"AHHH!" Someone squacked from outside. We all rushed to see who it was. No one was there. Then, from the bushes, Eunji jumped out scaring all of us expect Yoongi. Instead of being scared, Yoongi gave a blank face as if he was expecting it. Tanhee popped out from behind the other bush with her phone clearly videotaping the whole thing. "This was all Eunji's idea." Tanhee pointed at Eunji shaming her.

"HEY! THAT'S NOT NICE!" Soyoung yelled and kicked them.

"Y'all need to clam down (a/n: the clam was on purpose haha)." Eunji laughed.

"Anyway, you guys should come in, it's cold." You invited them in.

"Wow!" Soyoung pointed at the cupcakes as she put down the present.

"Let's eat after we exchange gifts." You suggested. We all nodded and passed the gifts around. The gift you gave me was in a brown bag. In return, I gave you a petite navy blue box.

"Finally, food!" Eunji yelled. I spotted Tanhee already at the dining table eating.

"Hey, you weren't supposed to eat!" Yoongi whined.

"Too late."

We all sat down and ate our food happily.

After eating, we played truth or dare because Yoongi suggested it with a smirk plastered on his face.

"So Seokjin, truth or dare?" Yoongi asked with a teasing smile.

"Dare." I started to sweat nervously because he knew I liked you.

"Seokjin, blow a kiss to the person you like."

I don't have to do it truthfully, right?


Everyone was waiting for me to blow a kiss. Who to pick? I wanted to blow a kiss to you but that would only make it awkward. Soyoung is out of the question since Yoongi likes her. Tanhee is not a good choice either but she doesn't care. Eunji is not a good choice either since she is already with someone. Can I blow a kiss to Yoongi? You know what, I'm doing it since I like him as a friend.

"Yoongi!" I blew a kiss to. "I like you as my friend." I smiled knowing I won the battle. Everyone's faces were gold. Their mouths wide open. You expresion was the best. It was a mix of shock and a bit of disappointment? But why? It wasn't like you liked me. Were you expecting me to blow a kiss at you? Well, everyone expected as well.

"You can't do that! It has to be someone you have feelings for!" Yoongi protested.

"You didn't say that earlier so my kiss counts." I argued.

We did other crazy dares like dancing in the middle of the yard for the neighbors to see. 

"Hyemi," Eunji smirked like she plotted something evil. "Truth or dare?"

"Uhh...none." You tried to escape by running to the kitchen but Eunji quickly ran after you.

"You can't escape." Eunji said.

"Fine, truth." You sighed. Eunji rubbed her hands together as if her plan was working.

"If you had to go to a vacation with one of the two boys here, who would it be?" 

"S-Seokjin because he is more fun than Yoongi." You stuttered. I was glad you said me instead of Yoongi.

"So I'm boring?" Yoongi asked.

"I didn't say that. I never would." You denied.

"Guys, I need to go now!" Tanhee said, interrupting before things got more heated. We all said our goodbyes to Tanhee and decided to watch a movie instead of continuing to play truth or dare. After the movie, everyone else left because it was late. 

At that time, I thought that we would all stay as friends forever. 

Kim Seokjin

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