Chapter 1

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I sat up in my bed, fear raising through my mind. I breathed in and out deeply in hopes of calming myself down. "April, you okay?" I looked up to my door way and saw Joel standing with a glass of water.
"Ya ya just a bad dreams." He nodded and continued on to his room down the hall. I fixed my pillows and went back to sleep.
"BEEP....BEEP....BE-!" I blindly lifted my arm and smacked my phone. "Uuuuugh." I said slowing sliding off my bed and onto the floor.
"April wake up 20 minutes!" My Mom yelled from the end of the hall. I got up from my floor and walked into the kitchen. Nathan and Joel were sitting at on counter eating pop tarts.
"Morning A."
"Morning Nathan, Mason here yet?" I took the second pop tart out of the package and handed it to me.
"No sorry." He replied, I nodded and took the pop tart. As I went to take a bite of the pop tart the room started to spin causing me to sit on the floor.
"You okay?!?" Joel asked as him and Nathan helped me up. I rubbed me for head and slowly walked over to the counter to get medicine for my head.
"Ya ya fine." I lied.
"Really, that's the 5 times in the past two days?" Joel pointed out. Joel was my youngest brother he was 12 and was an Altered. Nathan was my 14 year old brother, he was an Altered as well.
An Altered was someone was giving abilities from the Copaver Meteorite that hit 6 years ago. Some people didn't get powers like me, and if you were one of the unlucky ones like my parents you got Copaver Disease. My dad had already died of it in the first year, my mom was still going strong but we knew the disease would one day catch up with her.
"Ya ya," I quickly swallowed the pills when I heard a knock at the door, "it's fine." Joel sped over to the door and opened it revealing a tall freckles boy with red hair, he was cute in a small puppy sort of way. "Morning Mason!" I yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
"You ready A?" Mason asked me from the door way. He was wearing a white T-shirt's and jeans with converse that didn't fit him well and a baggy red flannel.
"Ya one second Mas let me just grab my shoes!" I ran over to a small closet next to the hall and grabbed an old pair of black boots. "Okay ready!" I said sprinting over to him. Mason had lost his dad to the disease as well. His mom was against the Altered and was part of a group to put them in camps, as if marking them wasn't enough. Mason was normal like me, or so he said. Sometimes I didn't believe him because of the almost I possible things I've seen him do.
"You okay April?"
"Ya why wouldn't I be?"
"5 times." He stopped and looked at me concerned, his blue eyes sparked.
"'s nothing I'll be fine. I probably just need to sleep more that's all." I told him acting like it was no big deal even tho we both knew it was. He nodded and hugged me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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