The Recruits

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Hawk and I trotted to the sports field behind the colosseum. Music blared from back inside and I wondered what Vini was doing without Laura and I. Then I averted my attention to the other recruits and their mentors. Unlike Hawk, I didn't recognise any one of them.

"Ever!" Laura exclaimed as she can running up to me. We embraced in a warm hug only to be interrupted by Emad. He was that one kid that everyone forgot existed. Faded from the memories of others, only to be remembered by his pestering acts.

Emad skipped over, shaking the ground with his trunk legs. "Heyyyyyy," he slurred.

"Oh my goodness..." my friend whispered under her breathe and slowly backed off.

"Why don't you pay atteeeeeeenntion to meee?" Emad stumbled around Laura. It was obvious that he'd had a few too many drinks. Before Laura could slap him, Hawk called everyone together. The recruits and I stood in one line with the our mentors at the front.

Laura's mentor spoke first and I dared not make eye contact. She probably noticed Vini and I laughing over her grand fall. "Hello everyone. You've gathered here because congratulations; you've made it into The Trials. As you already know, you all have personal mentors to train you, you compete in three trials against your fellow recruits for a spot on the EGAD."

"I'm sure you're all nervous as to how there is only one place available this year being the General Warrior. But since there's only one role, you have less people to compete that. Consider that the bright side."

A few people chuckled at her attempt of humour. I groaned and heaved a long heavy sigh. 'Well that's one thing I was never informed of...'

An old man stepped forward, short with whispy white hair sprouting from his chin. His shrill voice quivered as he spoke. "Now I get the pleasure this year to announce The Trials- oh yes my boy, I'm honoured!" he turned to Hawk who patted him on the back and other mentors who whooped.

"So, what you've all been waiting for... your first trial will be..."

The elderly mentor hesitated and us recruits begging for an answer. Finally he stated, "A holiday in the countryside!"

We all stared blankly at him. The other mentors beamed, murmuring unintelligible comments on the matter. Passie (the girl who was at Vini's party) cautiously raised her hand in question.

"I'll leave Artemis to answer that for you," the old man answered her. I assumed Artemis was her mentor.

Abruptly finishing the short gathering, he left us with, "Alright, now you get a three hour session with your mentor on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, today being an exception."

"Goodbye!" He smiled and scurried off, pulling fat Emad along with him. Laura and I met each other's eyes and just stared at one another, baffled by the whole ordeal. Before I could walk up to her and start a conversation, Hawk pulled me back to his office.

"What so that's it? A holiday?"

"No of course it's not just a holiday Ever," he snapped. Hawk rushed back into the building and told me to wait outside. Ten minutes later, my mentor returned with nothing but two helmets and keys. Still wearing his suit, Hawk had put on a leather jacket and black boots.

"Come," he demanded as I followed, slightly offended by his sudden manners. Though that changed quickly as I gasped at a massive motorbike. Sliding his helmet on and climbing aboard, he inserted his keys to the ignition and revved the monster vehicle.

"Wanna come for a ride?"


Hawk lived in an extravagant house for one on the mere Outskirts of Rozá. His home was right on the perimeter of Rozá, the horizon being nothing but open plains. Built of bricks, it had a roof of terracotta tiles and a pathway of cobblestone. He parked his motorbike in the drive way and led me down the side of his house.

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