Chapter 7

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"Chin up, sweet cheeks," my stylist, Rendal, chirps. Her green hair bobs up and down as she moves. I feel as if the makeup she keeps packing on my face will never come off. I'm wearing this poofy dress with a jean, suspender skirt over top. I don't know if this is some kind of sick joke, but I've never seen anyone from my district wear this to work. I look like the girl from that old tale, Little Bo Peep.

Rendal finishes my makeup and turns around my chair towards the mirror. She's all giddy and happy as I look. It's very light makeup. She gave me rosy cheeks and light blue eyeshadow, matching the color of my dress. My eyeliner curves a bit, giving me a youthful look. She added a bit of pink lip gloss. I love the makeup, but can't help but notice how young it makes me look. I look back at Rendal to thank her, only to notice she's tearing up.

"It's not fair," she manages through sobs. "Just too young...not fair..." She hugs me delicately and I hug her back, whispering a thank you. As the final touch, she places a little crown on my head. It's not much of a crown. It's more of a thin, silver wreath of twigs. But it looks very pristine.

"Alright," she says, gathering herself, "Up you go. I'll bring you over to the horses."

The place where the horses are kept looks like a giant garage. There are chariots everywhere and I see my first glimpse of all the tributes. The careers are the easiest to pick out. Large, well fed, and very arrogant. All the others pretty much look like me. Skinny and scared. Each chariot is lined up by order of entrance. Our chariot is right in the back, in front of the District 12 chariot. Thresh is already standing there. He has a similar outfit to me, topped with the jean overalls and silver crown. I personally think we look ridiculous, but I don't say anything. Rendal helps me up into the chariot and gives me a quick pep talk. I'm not really listening to her. Just looking at the other tributes. One huge, blonde walks by, giving me a death stare. My heart beat starts racing and inwardly I start freaking out. This is what I'm up against? My god, just kill me now.

"Rue, are you listening?" Rendal asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. Chin up and look ahead," I reply.

"Perfect! That's about it. Do you get it, Thresh?" He nods and stares ahead.

"Good, you two will do great! Oh, you look adorable. Have fun!" Have fun. I'll keep that in mind.

Loud music starts blaring in the stadium and the chariots begin to move. One by one they enter, looking confident and strong, even though they don't feel that way. Finally, our chariot moves out, and my eyes are greeted by many sights. Huge crowds of people are cheering. It looks like there are close to a million just in the stands. Huge lights shine above us as our horses trudge through their given path. I try my hardest to look straight ahead, but I find myself constantly looking to the side.

All of the sudden, an uproar begins. People seem to be looking in our direction, but we didn't do anything. I glance at the giant screens and see fire. I don't allow myself to look behind me, but the District 12 tributes are on fire! Their headdress and suit has very real-looking flames coming from it. They look so gallant, so intense. People are roaring and screaming 'Katniss' and 'Peeta' as loud as possible. I can't stand the sound. It's deafening. I just want this ride to end. Luckily, we come to the end and our horses locate themselves in a certain position near the stage. High up at the podium stands President Snow, the cause of all our problems. He smiles and waves as the crowd cheers his name. His arrogance is putrid. It's like an intoxicating smell.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" His voice booms into the microphone. " the 74th Hunger Games!" The crowd breaks loose. They begin cheering to the breaking point. I don't think my ears can take it anymore. President Snow gives a small speech and then the Capitol anthem begins playing, booming into the stadium. Everyone is still and quiet. All I can think about is my hatred for that man and the empire that he runs. That man is pure evil, and I only wish there was a way to end his reign. But those are thoughts for another time. I have to worry about one thing first: surviving. The rest of the ceremony slipped my mind for the most part as my thoughts took over. I snap back into reality as the anthem blasts through the ears . I stand still and try not to cover them, but the loud booming of the speakers makes it ever so tempting when you're this close.

Finally, the noise drowns out and the chariots begin moving again. I lose my balance for a second as it jerks forward, but Thresh grabs my arm and ensures my steadiness. I meet his eyes for a second, but look back down, knowing a friendship is not what I need right now. I mutter a quick thank you as he releases my arm.

Eventually, every chariot has returned back to the garage we had started in. Once our chariot halts to a stop, Mayce, Rendal, and Thresh's stylist walk over to assist us. Thresh's stylist, who's name I haven't caught yet, holds my hand as I leap down from the chariot. I mutter a thank you and he nods in response.

"Alright now!" Mayce's voice cracks. She coughs and recomposes herself, trying again. "Alright now! We have to bring you two back to our houses for the next few days. Training starts tomorrow and you need a good dinner and some sleep. Follow me." She walked quickly, with a straight, yet delicate, posture. I tried to keep the same pace, but I lagged slightly behind Thresh. Eventually, we are led to a huge tower. We walk inside to see an interior equally as luxurious as the train. Tributes are all walking in and out of the sleek, silver elevators. I've never been in one before, and, to be perfectly honest, I don't think I trust them.

I feel a wave of anxiety as I step in. Two other tributes and their representative enter. My only guess is that they're careers, because they're huge and seem menacing. Mayce presses the 11 button, while the other representative presses the 3 button. The girl glares at me and I shudder, quickly averting my glance. The elevator doors close in front of us, and I try to hide my extreme panic. The elevator shoots up, leaving my stomach behind, and arrives at the third floor in about a second. As the doors open, I realize I'm gripping tightly on the railings with both hands. The district 3 tributes chuckle lightly as the walk onto their floor. Mayce looks over at me sympathetically as the doors close.

"Don't worry. You're not the first tribute from your district to be a little freaked out by the elevators. Those kids have been using them their entire life." I nod and close my eyes as the elevator shoots up again, clenching my jaw and the railing as tight as possible. As the elevator halts to a stop, I release the tension from my body and take a deep breath. As the doors open, my eyes are awarded with the most simple, yet beautiful interior I'd seen so far. It had long chandeliers lining the ceiling and warm orange drapes flowing down the high walls. Sleek wood floors covered the entire area, with a black marble table on an elevated dining area. The colors reminded me the fields at District 11, giving me a very homelike feeling.

"Welcome to your living space!" Mayce began, her heels clicking loudly against the wood floor. "Although you won't be here for too long, you are to enjoy the many luxuries of it. In case you were wondering, the colors and style are meant to have a little bit of your district in them, just to remind you of where you came from. Your rooms are down that hallway over there. You already have your training clothes and regular clothes supplied and your showers have even more functions than those on the train. Enjoy yourselves," she said with a sad twinkle in here eyes, "This could be your last chance to." She marches into a hallway to the side and disappears into her room. Thresh and I stand silent, taking into account what she'd said. It's true. In less than a week, we'll be fighting to the death in an arena. This could be my last chance to relax. Well, it probably will be.

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