19- "4chan"

350 18 11


just in case you guys aren't aware of this, there's a crisis going on in tumblr. Apparently, tumblr called out this website called 4chan (don't ever visit it) for it's shit and now they're fighting back.

They're doing numerous things like spamming popular tags with very detailed gory/pornographic pictures. Some people have said that they've seen pictures of animal abuse, and live death. One person even said they saw a guys head getting chopped off. (I'll list the tags that I know of that they're spamming in a bit).

Do not, and I repeat, do not visit these tags. They are very violent, scary, and triggering.

Another one of the things they're doing is hacking peoples accounts. I'm not sure what to do if your account gets hacked but if you notice that someone you're following is posting gory/pornographic pictures for being a one direction account or something like that then it's NOT THEM, which pretty much means that their account got hacked.

But what I think is the worst thing they're doing other than spamming tags, is that they're taking selfies tagged in 'me', 'face', or 'face tag' and photoshopping them onto porn videos/pictures (to avoid it it's best to not post any selfies but if you do, don't tag it in any of the above to avoid this happening to you)

I hope they fucking know that is illegal but obviously those lonely middle-aged misoginist fedora wearing assholes are stupid enough to not know that. (kudos to my best friend for calling them that)

Not only that but a lovely friend of mine I like to call Sarah (you know who you are) also informed me that they're apparently going after certain accounts and that they have this big list and everything.

This is actually really fucking sick. I just found out that someone contacted the FBI and that they'll be arresting them but just in case I'm gonna just give you guys this warning and list which tags they're attacking (at least the ones I know of)

Tags they're attacking:

1. the tags

2. feminist

3. feminism

4. mysoginy

5. equality

6. veganism

7. animals

8. health

9. dogs

10. cats

11. puppies

12. coping

13. feel good

14. recovery

15. pstd

16. depression

17. flowers

18. happy

19. lol

20. art

21. vintage

22. diy

23. pink

24. pastel

25. goth

26. anyme

27. cute

28. selfie

29. me

30. self

31. activism

32. social justice

33. femme

34. racism

35. white supremacy

36. tumblr

37. doctor who

38. supernatural

39. dw

40. spn

41. marvel

and from those last few one can only guess that they're going after as many fandom tags as they can. plus, I know there are many other tags they're attacking but those are the only ones I know of. so for the time being, until the FBI stop them (if the FBI stop them..), please for your own sake don't visit your fandom tag. if you see important messages like this on your message board, reblog it so your followers can see it and know about it as well.

Stay safe, guys xx

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