21- "Unfollowers"

115 14 6

Don't follow me just to unfollow me, god damn.

Like literally if I'm online too much people unfollow me.

and - like lately - when I'm not on much they unfollow me anyways???

there is no pleasing you.

I hope you guys know that I've been on my other account @falIoutboy enjoying life there bc from the whole time I've had the account I only lost one follower but that was over a month ago so why do it here??

honesty I'm pretty damn sure that all the unfollowers I've had on this account equal somewhere over 100

I am grateful for 241 followers but who doesn't get mad when someone unfollows while they're obviously trying to reach a goal

I mean I rarely unfollow people unless they really tick me off

but if that's the case then what am I doing wrong?

-do you not like the fact that I rarely update?

well I'm sorry for having horrible writers block all the time and being in school doesn't it happen to everyone, jfc

-do you hate how I'm always talking about Gerard Way or Patrick Stump or Dan Howell or any other idol of mine?

I'm a fangirl, that's what we do. besides I bet most of the people you follow do that anyways

-do you want me online more?

simple! just follow my tumblr @ierosepetals or my other account that I'm using more which is @falIoutboy (with a capital i instead of a second L) if you like to see me more often.

god damn it, people -.-

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