chapter 7

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The pair made their way inside the castle in silence. Evelyn was tired after playing and spending time with Nicolous. She wasn't afraid of him anymore. She had entiwned their fingers , her limp body supported by Nicolous's huge body. She was just dragging her feet on the carpet, when Nicolous finally picked her up and cradled her in his arms .
Evelyn let out a small squeak but laid her head on his shoulder closing her eyes.

Nicolous was just happy to see his precious happy and safe in his arms, it felt like a dream to him . He never thought he'll a young Fae as his soulmate. He had only envisioned her as some headstrong ruthless vampire , together they'll rule the world . But after meeting Evelyn all of those thoughts ran away , he couldn't be more happy to found Evelyn , who was a complete contrast to his nature.

"Chris , why is the castle so silent "?

" I ordered them not to come out of their rooms , while you are outside".

Evelyn opened her eyes immediately, she couldn't believe he would do that for her.

"Bad Chris . Rooms are very boring. They'll be sad". Now after getting out of that room ,she only realised that how tiring it was to stay in a room all day.

"I don't understand . Aren't you scared anymore?"

"Nope." She popped the p ," you said you'll be there right?" She was hopeful and she was depending on him .

He smiled.

"Yeah , always."

They made it to Evelyn's chambers , Nicolous didn't want to just leave yet, but it was the right thing to do . But to his luck she stopped her.

"Will you eat with me? I don't like eating alone?" The question was innocent enough,but pureblood vampires didn't need food to survive. They could still eat just for the sake of eating or if they liked the taste.
Nicolous was not one of those to eat food .

But for his beloved, anything.

Behena arrived with food on time and she was astound to find a silent Nicolous  eating with Evelyn.

Evelyn woke up happily the next morning, even though she missed her family but the castle wasn't dreading to her anymore. She was looking forward to exploring the castle with Nicolous.

She was ready and knocking on Nicolous's door in record time.

"Let's go".

Nicolous had a busy schedule ahead,but for his precious beloved's happiness he will do anything, even if it's missing the Judgement day, that he never had even once.

"After you , papilio".

Evelyn took his arm and let herself be taken anywhere.

Only some very important people and the mortal maids were allowed to roam the castle freely .

Nicolous showed her every important places that she should know, starting from the royal court , where some vampires were working silently. They all stopped and bowed to them when Nicolous entered with her . Evelyn was overwhelmed looking at all those people who were thousands and thousands years old. She managed to smile a little out of politeness.

Feeling her in distress, Nicolous pulled them out of the room and led them towards the throne room.

They stopped infront of a massive mahogany doors , four fully armed guards bowed to Nicolous and opened the door for them.

The Valeria throne room was massive with its very high ceiling and long glass windows that contained the view of beautiful Valeria kingdom ahead . A gorgeous chandelier was hanging in the middle of the room , it was almost glowing catching the sunlight in all the right angles .

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