Training the Air Totem

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It's been a week since first training and Scott still refuses to train the animal part of my totem, he still thinks I'm not worthy of it but, he almost gave up his totem to save his really hot boyfriend Isaac. But in the end Mason burned Damianos and saved Isaac who had fainted after seeing Mason controlling fire. And later Scott explained everything about the totems to Isaac and was almost dumped. Now I start training the air part of my totem with my favorite brother Jake.

"Hey little brother ready to start training." said Jake excitedly

"Sure" I said clearly not in the mood.          

"What's wrong Noah." Jake said a bit worried

"Well Scott still doesn't want to train me even though it's been three weeks like come on it's not my fault I got the totem." I said while pouting

"What do you mean." said Jake

"Scott thinks I'm not worthy of having a totem like you guys but I've helped all of you master your totems and I've been supportive even when I knew I wasn't going to get a totem but now that I do I just want everyone to support me." I said

"I see where you're coming from Noah but after mom and dad died. Scott thinks everyone is a threat except Isaac and now that your totem has all the powers of ours put into all he's scared you'll join Damianos." Jake said

"Oh ok" was all I could say after hearing that Scott is basically afraid of me.

"But now let's get back to training bond with the air part of your totem and try amplifying the wind" Jake explained

"As this is air you can't really see it you have to imagine the winds" Jake said.

Not going to lie it would be hard. But in the end it'll be worth it.

"Can you paint with all the colors of the wind" I sang as I imagined the air.

"Really N you're gonna sing Pocahontas while training" Jake said

"What" I exclaimed.

"It came to mind plus I am training with air today" I said.

"True" Jake said.

"Just try to make the wind stronger" Jake reminded me.

"Ok" I said.

I made the wind stronger that's for sure. What I didn't realize was that I literally blew Jake away. When I first opened my eyes, he was down the yard trying to slow the wind down. Panicking I bonded with the earth totem and grew some vines to catch him.

"Well for starters nice job" Jake said.

"Secondly quick thinking and next time don't try so hard." He continued.

"Okay what else do I need to learn" I said.
"Now comes the fun part diving" He

"Wait a second as in sky diving" I said.
"If you must know, I still have a very little will to live" I said.

"You'll be fine, I'll help you out if you loose control" He said.

"Well then how do we do this" I asked.

"Basically you make a vortex around you and lift it up into the sky with you in it. Then you destroy it and once you're close to the ground you create it again and don't die." He finished

"Ok lets do this" I said.

I created the vortex as he said and saw him doing the same. We lifted into the sky and watched the ground disappear, when he yelled now is when I destroyed it. I screamed as we saw the ground getting closer, quickly I tried to create the vortex once more. Failing to do so I screamed
"Fuck this" and bonded with earth to create vines to catch me. Thankfully I didn't die, but learned once more why I hated heights. Sure it was fun but still, I've almost died many times so I'll pass.

Next I asked Jake if he could teach me some other stuff. He agreed and proceeded to teach me how to lift stuff up and how to do air blasts. Overall I learned that the air totem was really fun as I could practically fly, yes I'm scared of heights but with training I should get over it.

I wanted to learn more about the totems as to why they have their powers and what they can do, so I went to the library we had to do some research on them. Turns out our family originated from Athens and the Greek Gods made our totems. Poseidon made Water, Hades made Death, Artemis made Animal, Hermès made Air, Persephone made Earth, Hephaestus made Fire, and god of all gods Zeus united a piece of the totems and made my totem the Lost Totem. The books didn't have much about it, only what I learned in the other world. Only new information was that it was tracked in the other world but since no one was chosen to wield it it became lost from records and forgotten. Which is just amazing because that means that no one knows the full extent of it. So I have to find out on my own as always.

After learning about the totems I walked down the yard and practiced with death, I remembered all that Derek taught me, like focusing when raising a skeleton, or the patience when trying to raise a spirit. While I was doing this I accidentally bonded with animal and called a pack of wolves to the lawn. Surprisingly I understood what they said, the book did mention something about the wielder of the animal totem could understand all animals and since I have it I guess I could understand them too. I started to train the animal totem, to see how many spirits of the animals I could control. I started off easy with a dog then went to a horse and work my way up. I stopped for a bit and tried to summon the spirit of a dinosaur when I heard Scott call out
"Well look what we have here little Noah training the animal kingdom all alone what a shame"

"Cut the bullshit Scott. I know you're afraid of me because of the totem, but why would I join the bastard who killed Mom and Dad." I exclaimed.

"If I was so afraid of you would I do this" He said
Then proceeded to summon the spirit of a tiger and launched right at me.
"Fight me you coward" He exclaimed.
"That's it you son of a bitch" I yelled.
While reading I learned that the totems could amplify our emotions. But now I didn't give two shits and went full Danny LaRusso on his ass.


What is up people. If you've noticed I made some changes to the chapters and rewrote this one.

The reason I keep saying bonded is because since he's a newbie to the totem training and stuff Noah hasn't fully trained in all six totems yet. Once he finishes is when I'll start changing up how he uses it.

Till then E out ;)

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