Not So Subtle

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Well look what we have here little Noah training the animal kingdom all alone what a shame"
"Cut the bullshit Scott. I know you're afraid of me because of the totem, but why would I join the bastard who killed Mom and Dad." I exclaimed.

"If I was so afraid of you would I do this" He said
Then proceeded to summon the spirit of a tiger and launched right at me.
"Fight me you coward" He exclaimed.
"That's it you son of a bitch" I yelled.
While reading, I learned that the totems could amplify our emotions. But now I didn't give two shits and went full Danny LaRusso on his ass.


"Noah would you care to explain why the fuck the backyard is messed up again and, why Scott is passed out with scratch marks on his arms and face." Jake said clearly mad.

"Well would you like a nice short lie about my totem or would you like the truth that involves our eldest brother and his crazy beliefs" I responded innocently.

"Which one won't make me want to throw you up into the sky" Jake said.

"Ahh ok you want the truth" I said.
"Well then, after training I went to go do some research on my totem to see if any of the family books had information on it. Sadly they didn't but I learned that our lovely totems make our emotions stronger.
Our dear brother Scott attacked me last night while I was training. As you know I hate Scott, so what do you think happened." I told Jake.

"Are you happy now?" I asked.

"Well that's not what the others think except Derek and I, so for now go hang out with your friends" He told me.

"Fine I'll just go to the mall. I need new clothes anyway" I said. Guess it's time for a shopping trip. I hope Emma and Jax are up for it.

Being honest here, I don't like shopping. The only reason I'm going is because I really do need some new clothes.

I called Emma to try and convince her to come to the mall with me. That failed she said that she had some family business. Jax bailed on me too, he said that he has to work. My last hope was Max, he actually said that he was free. But, the thing is I'm very awkward around him. Yeah, I like him that's the problem. If my brothers find out it'll be most likely that he'll die. Having six older brothers is worse than having one single dad. Especially when they have totems which give them crazy powers.

Max hasn't exactly come out as gay but, I saw him making out with some guy behind the mall. Hopefully, he'll tell us that he is gay because I don't like hitting on straight boys. Sure, it's fun but in the end it only makes you realize how lonely you really are. I told Max to meet me at the mall 'cause I don't drive. Being the little shit that I am I used Jake's trick with air and flew to the mall.

Actually, I got to the mall 20 minutes before Max. When he got here I was already onto my second store, I told him to meet me in Holister. That's my favorite store, most of my clothes are from there.

Obviously I wasn't going to do anything about my feelings for Max. In my mind he was a faze, something I'd grow out of. Of course, it would probably hurt if I saw him with someone else.

Who wouldn't be hurt if they saw their crush with their tongue down another persons throat?

Now, guess what a 16 year old boy with a magical totem did when he saw his friend/crush with his tongue deep down another guys throat.

Like what the fuck dude. Literally one second I was shopping for clothes, next I turn around and Max is making out with some guy in the back of the store.

I tried to keep calm.

I really did.

But, having a mystical totem that will amplify your emotions really puts a twist on the situation.

Something over came me. This intense feeling of hatred, burning hatred ran through me. I started to feel fire in my hands, my whole body started to heat up. I really did try to calm down, to not let me emotions get the best of me.

I felt the whole store getting hot. Soon it was burning. I had set the whole store on fire. Max soon started to shout, the skank he was with did too. I was still in shock, I fucking set a building on fire because my crush was making out with another guy.

I had panicked ,but I calmed down and shot air blasts all over the place so it would stop. Sadly it worked, I really hoped that it would've killed that bitch but it didn't. Eh maybe next time.

Who am I kidding, when my brothers find out I'll be forced to learn how to control my emotions. Of course they'll find out, I can see the headlines on the news already

"Local shopping center sets ablaze but magically gets put out"

Anygays, it's time to move on. Surely, my brothers have calmed down by now and know that I wouldn't be capable of working with a twisted piece of shit. Even if they don't I still have Derek and Jake, I only need them anyway. I can train the other totems by myself and work to strengthen air and death.

I decided to cut my trip to the mall short and go back home, I didn't bother to tell Max. He'd probably be busy with his little friend wow, I sound like a jealous boyfriend. We're not dating, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to do.

Getting home I was bombarded with questions about the sudden fire. Obviously I had to come clean, there's no logical explanation. But, I twisted the truth and said I only stopped the fire.

I was tired from today's bullshit so I decided to take a nap and forget everything.



it's been ages but im back and badder than ever.

Sorry this took a while but it's something.

If it's that bad then don't bother finishing this and come back when I post a new chapter.

This chapter kinda served as a filler to take a break from the totem drama.

The brothers are against Noah except for Derek and Jake.

Anygays till next time

Peace out Girl Scout ✌🏼✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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