A little more Human

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You smiled to yourself as Alfred changed to his happy normal self and you were almost done with his body. That... date... was nice, even with how freaky Alfred was being.

But that lead to the other issues, Alfred was right that he wanted to go on a date with you. And that meant he possibly did like you and was terrible at expressing it. You saw that in him too. Especially with the way he said goodbye to you. It was romantic, and... sent mixed feelings through you.

No, you've known Arthur inside and out! Sure, you're dense when someone is interested in you, but that doesn't mean everything that Alfred said was true...


"I need to think of something else..."

Alfred cheered, "I'll pull up your music list to help out with that!"

You thanked him for that and went back to work with the finishing touches of Alfred's body, you've luckily been able to use one of your other inventions to install his skin onto the body. Soon you were done.

"Alfred! We just need to hook you up into the figure and we're good to go!"

"Wait, already? Dudette! That was-just-superfast! Are you a superheroine in disguise? Is there something you're not telling me?"

You chuckled shaking your head. "No, I'm not a superhero. But I guess you can say I'm superquick with my hands!

"I'm so happy I've had a good reason to go through with creating a full on robot! I mean, many, and I mean many people and companies have already created many AI's and robot limbs or faces but to make a whole functioning being! And now with Arthur's and Francis' AI, with you this isn't going to be some everyday joe! If this works then we should be able to be creating a whole new future!" You squealed at the thought of what this could mean! We could actually have a future like world of robots in the world! We could have amazing robot assistants that were just like people!

You stopped your excitement to a more functional standpoint to start the experiment. "Alfred, are you ready? I need to tell you that anything could happen, we can back down now if you want to."

He raised his voice even louder than normal, yelling out, "NO! No way! I'm here for you! And this is your skilled passion! I'm sure I can handle whatever will happen! I'm here for you and you only! And if you need me for this, I will do it! Besides! I'm excited myself and I wanna see how this turns out! It would be so awesome if I had my own body!"

I grinned, hoping nothing would happen to him, or me, or the house. I could easily blame it on Arthur as he'll have to deck out the rest of my house. I breathed in and out, holding the plug that would connect the robot to the phone, so Alfred could have an easier time since it's his main source.

You plugged him in.

You jumped out to hide underneath your desk huddled up in the fetal position. "A-Alfred? A-A-Are you okay?" you called out after a minute of peace and silence.

"Dudette? Are you alright?"

"I asked you first!"

He gave a good heartfelt laugh. It felt so real. Like there was a person in your house.

You turned over to see Alfred, in casual clothes of a white t-shirt and jeans, sparkling blue eyes, and a priceless dollar grin on his face. He looked so much like a real person...

"Well, before I answer that, I'm going to ask that you get up from that desk."

You did as told and sat on top of the said desk, dangling your legs in front of you. "Now, answer my question."

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