Chapter 3:

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Whenever I enter the school bus either to go to school or to leave it, the bus feels like it's a trip to a different world.  You have the bus driver. Then there's all the kids. And the uncomfortable seats. And the humid trip. And the overlapped drama being shared. The phone that blinks and then shuts off. The moment when half the bus gets off and the overlapped drama just becomes overlapped chatter and laughs. Well not today. Today the bus to school was quieter than normal. It felt as if it was just me and my friends. It was nice. There was no overlapping chatter. Until we reached the school. Because once you hop off that bus it's like it's a portal and you become a completely new person. Some people change for better. They become nicer, or more introverted. For others they become tougher, they become rude, and they act "cooler". Or your like my friends and me. Well most of us. One of us, go-go, wasn't acting normal, he was jealous, of what you may ask, a girl,no, a grade, can't be. Possibly his friends, we were all in our small groups, I was talking to Rosie, pippy and Emma plus stilly were all talking. But go-go wasn't, so instead he went to talk to terrath. Terrath wasn't funny. He never was. And now he had become a even worse
Person. None of the girls in my friend group found him funny. He made us uncomfortable and we had all hit the last point. He was banned from our group. And he wanted a way in. He would find anything to get back in.

After that morning I went to class. Now here's lesson one for life choices. If you are confused ask for help. Unless your group is of course, careless. That's when you go to your friends. So I walked over to Anthony and pippy and asked them for help. Pippy didn't have the same paper ,no help. Luckily Anthony did. He helped me and then we continued with school. So that shows it's best to ask not give up.

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