chapter 25

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okay so I know I haven't mentioned her but I have another best freind named annah she has been there since birth shes so amazing but she kinda doesn't know about the whole taylor shawn thing eh ill thell her later I thought

"hey omg" she screams

as she runs up to me I notice a handsome guy holding her hand

"Annabelle this is kyle"

"hi im Annabelle " I chant

as I walk around from class to class im really starting to miss shawn like a lot

im walking to my locker amd feel someone grab my waist

I whip around and notice its shawn

"heyy babe what are you doing here?"

"well I go here now"

I got so excited I almost peed myself

"Are you serious I scream thats so cool!"

I am so happy that shawns here I feel way more complete

after school shawn and I go to Starbucks I get a caramel mocha and shawn gets a raspberry tea

"I'm so glad you get to go to school with me!" I said

"Me too" he giggled

after some walking around I felt a little tired and

wanted to go to sleep so I

took a quick shower and

hopped in bed

I heard a knock on my door

and shawn opened it

" can I sleep in here with you?"

"Of course babe" I said he

layed next to me and curled

up to me as i fell asleep slowly than all at once

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