chapter 38

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            (Shawns pov)

I went to the ambulance with tears rolling down my face

she almost lost me and I cant loose her shes my baby shes my everything I love her so so so much

I get in and sit down im bawling at this point

"Annabelle baby if you can hear  me I miss you my beautiful princess I cant wait to marry you.The day I met you I knew I was in love. Taylor was a jerkfor doing that to you.Your worth way more than him baby. You just don't understand babe. I miss you so so so so much baby please ,please, please I cant live without you, oh my god I cant do this baby. Please I cant live without you please honey please please!"

           (Annahs pov)

Kyle's holding me while I cry. Annabelle is not meant to die. This is all Taylor's fault. He should not have opened his mouth, he did not deserve to ever be with her. He's such an ugh jerk. I cant bare to loose Annabelle. She's my best friend. I love her so much. We go way back. I dont wanna lose that.

Me and Maddy go upstairs to clean the blood. We can't help but cry. We don't know if our best freind is gonna die or live and now we have to clean up her blood.

Kyle and the guys run upstairs their eyes are so red from so much crying.

They help us clean. It upsets

all of us. We want her back.

After we clean it Maddy and I change into our sweatpants and Shawn and Annabelle shirt as well as the boys. We all match and head to the hospital .

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