Chapter 7:Rape

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A/N:As the title says it all. Before you read this chapter pls I'm warning you that this is only my first time to do this and Idk how to write but pls no hate comments because this is my first time to write something like this and pls if you're uncomfortable pls just pls don't read it.

No One's P.O.V.

After class they start to head home. Outer was walking with Cass,Crystal and Ink because his parents was not there. Outer has a bad feeling that some one is watching them as they walk. Not long they got to the house. Cass opened the door and they go in. Crystal showed Outer where is he staying. Good thing Ink cleaned th le guest room. So Outer was at the bed and play some video games at his phone. 15 minutes later Cass was done making dinner. She ring a bell and all of them go downstairs.

Outer's P.O.V.

So I go downstairs and saw Cass finshed preaparing dinner. We all go to the dinning area and Cass put the ate of food infront of us. "E-Enjoy." She said. I miss her sweet voice. So we begun eating. 'HOLY SHIT IT TASTE SO GOOD!' I thought. 'Dang she is a good cook.' I didn't realize that I was staring at her while blushing blue. She looked at me and I look at the food quickly. "So what do you think?" "It taste so good." She smiled. After eating she cleaned the dishes. I go upstairs and play some more games. Someone knock at the door and I open it with magic. I saw Cass with headphones and she was holding her phone. " are comfortable?" "Yeah. Cass can you stay here first?" " S-Sure." She sat down beside me. I took out my bag and open it reavilng an 2 soda cans. "You want one?" She nod in reply. I gave her one while I drink the other one. She was look out the window that us reaviling hundreds of stars. "Is so beautiful outside." She saud with a smile at her face. I smirk and try to flirt with her. "Well not as beautiful as you~." "Wh-What!?" I keep thinking of dirty thoughts but I put them aside. 'Shit I don't want to do it.' I thought. "Outer pls stop." "Why not tomato~?" "To-Tomato!? For your information I'm not a tomato,I'm a human." "I know but you're my little princess." She didn't reply but instead she sit down and she put a hand at my head and pat it. "Good skele-dog :3" "I'm not a dog." "Yes you are Outer :3" I was defeated but I can't handle it. I stand up and lick the door. Ink and Crystal was making alot of noise. I smirk and look at Cass.


I grab a syringe and well walk up to Cass,hiding the syringe. I sit down and inject her. She passed out and grabs the chains inside my bag. I put her phone and headphones at the table and took off all her clothes. I blush even more because she was sexy and slim. I chained her arms and feet.

Cass' P.O.V.

I start to wake up,feelings dizzy. I started to struggle but I was chained to the bed. I was naked. I saw Outer look at me and he looked drunk. I think sodas make him look drunk. Oh wait...holy shit. I read the ingredients and it says 'wine or vodka' was written on it. He started to take his clothes off while I struggle more. Once he was finish he climb at top of me and he forcefully put his dick inside me. I screamed because of the pain. I struggle even more and crying because of Outer. It reminded me when I was only 9. He is getting rougher. My scream became louder because it hurts so much that I was stabbbed again and again. I keep struggling,crying,screaming for help and screaming in pain. "Outer pls stop!" He ignored me and keep going but more rougher. My screams are getting louder. I was crying so much that all I could do is struggle more and more but if I struggle more then Outer have to go more rough,harder or faster. "Outer pls stop! I don't want this!" He ignore me again. An hour later I was unchained and I was still crying. Outer was asleep and I put my clothes back on. I try to stand but I fall. 'Fuck I can't stand up!' I thought. I stand up again trying to maintian my balance. I walked slowly out of the room and back to my room. I was still crying. Ink and Crystal is still making alot of noise but I didn't care. All I need is rest.


I didn't sleep at all. I just rest. I walk downstairs and make breakfast. I teleported my phone and my headphones to my hand. After I was done with everything. I out my back beside me,putting my heaphones at my ears and play some music. I sing quietly and I was waiting for them to wake up. I want to forget what happen last night. I call NM. I was waiting for him to answer.

NM's P.O.V.

I heard my phone and it is like 5 am in the morning. I check and it was Cass. "Cass what i-" Before I could finish she answer. "Outer rape me last night." 'WTF OUTER!?!?' I thought. She has been through alot. "Why did he do that?" "He was drunk last night. I don't want him here anymore." "What do you mean?" "Outer is staying here for 5 days. Can I take Outer to your house?" "Sure." "K gtg. Bye!" "Bye." I look at the time and it was 6:43 am. Me and Dream was walking to school and we saw Cass and the others. Cass was wearing a hood that is covering her face. We arrived at school and I start talking to Outer and Cass at the back of the school. "Cass pls I'm sorry." "Sorry? SORRY!? SORRY IS NOT ENOUGH OUTER!" "Cass calm down." "...Fine..." "Outer,Cass said she want you away from her house." "And hwere shouls I stay?" "My house." "Ok NM." Cass just simply walked away with anger and sadness. "You should have told her,your feelings." "I can't. I just broke her." "She will forgive you. She just need her space." "Yeah..."

A/N:I only did that for a reason. The reason why I made this chapter because idk what to do anymore. Oh yeah next chapters is full of ships because is like this book is focused on Cass so I promised next chapter is full of ships and no sins ·~· I feel uncomfortable typing that. That's all for now. Bye.

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