Johnson + Sam

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Jack stared at the two pink plus signs in front of him in utter shock. Jack has been sick for quite a while, so, as a joke, Sam made him take a pregnancy test.

How was he supposed to tell Sam? His boyfriend of three years. How was he supposed to believe this?

Jack threw the pregnancy test at the wall and started crying. Sam walked in, ready to joke around, but turned serious when he heard Jack cry. Sam quickly ran over to Jack and let him cry into his chest.

"Hey, shh," Sam soothed, rubbing his boyfriends back,"what's wrong?"

"I-It came out p-positive," Jack chocked out.

"W-Well, we, uh, we won't know if it's one hundred percent," Sam said,"we should go to a doctor to find out for sure."

"Y-Yeah, you're right," Jack said, just above a whisper.

"Well, go get dressed and well go to the doctors," Sam gave him a small smile.


After three painful hours of waiting to be called in, getting tested, and waiting for the results, the doctor was standing in front of Jack and Sam with a sympathetic smile. Sam was sitting on the chair next to Jack, holding his hand reassuringly.

"Congratulations," she paused,"you're pregnant!"

Jack nodded as tears went down his face. Sam saw and gently wiped his tears away.

"Are we even ready for a baby? How are going to do this?" Jack wailed.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this," Sam said reassuringly,"together."

Jack tearily smiled at him and pecked his lips.

"Let's do an ultrasound on how your doing, yeah?" The doctor smiled. They both nodded and Jack laid back.

"Ok, just pull up your shirt for me," she smiled and Jack did as instructed.

"This might be a little cold," she said as she put gel on his stomach.

She grabbed the wand and moved it around his slightly bulgy stomach. A small, jellybean figure showed up on the screen and the doctor smiled.

"Your baby is perfectly healthy. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

They both nodded and the doctor flipped a switch. Two loud, rhythmic thuds were heard in the room and the doctor furrowed her eyebrows. She mumbled under her breath what sounded like 'that's not right.' She moved the want more on Jacks stomach.

"Ah, there it is," she looked at them,"you're having twins."

"W-What?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Twins!" The doctor smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this," Sam kissed his temple.

The doctor gave them a printed sonogram and they stared at the little babies. The doctor discharged them and they left home.


As time progressed, Jack stomach was getting more and more noticeable. He's had crazy cravings. His first craving was funnel cake with Nutella and strawberry jelly on it.

"Hey babe?" Sam called, making Jack stop rubbing his stomach and putting his full attention on Sam.


"I think we should tell the guys about the baby," Sam suggested slowly,"you're showing more and the guys are beginning to question it."

"But what if they don't accept me? Or what if they think I'm a freak?" Jack whimpered.

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