Ross's first day of highschool

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     Ross was excited to her that he was going to be going to the same highschool as yuri since he hasnt seen her in a while, they have been friends since third grade althogh she was three grades older. Yuri was basially an older sister figure to him. As he looks at the club list he finds one club that insterests him the most;The Chess Club. After school he went to his clubroom and only saw 12 club members and there wasn't an official president yet, he asks if anyone want to play a match of chess with him, but the room was room was silent. He then asks if anyone knows how to play chest then one guy says" no,we thought this was an anime club" he looks at him with a disgusted look on his face and replies "how the fuck does chess translate to anime!?"

     Everyone just looked at him with confused, worried, and scared looks. He then declared very anime like "I will teach you guys the ways of chess!" he then looked at everyone and saw they were to scared to say no. He then made himself president and no one said no and tryed teaching them chess. Some actually tryed to learn but, all failed miserably. One day he dicided he just was fed up with all of these failures and finally tryed to find his friend Yuri. He knew that she was into poetry so he checked the liturature club and of corse she was there but there were four others he had never seen before but one cought his eye.

      Monika- the class president looked nice, but she wasnt. she had that creepy look on her face maybe it was because of green eyes, ross always feared green eyes.

    Sayori-  she looked pretty innocent, unlike SOMEONE else in this club *cough MONIKA cough* and she was usually nice to him. She was ok in his book but they were not really close

    Yuri- His old childhood friend, who could forget about yuri. he was the one who got yuri into knives because he collected swords like the weeb he is and she was impressed but that was just a phase though he did encourage yuri to collect more. He even started a little collection of his own. one day she suddenly stoped talking to him though and dissapeared from his life until that fatefull day. 

Natsuki- The smol girl of the club, he was surprised that yuri hasnt introduced her to him because she seemed fairly interesting but he didnt have a phone at the time so maybe that explains why yuri made all these friends without him. He finally had someone who he can relate to since they were about the same height and they were both read manga.

MC- The day he walked into that stupid club and saw him his whole life changed. He had never really loved anyone before, especially guys. He saw his old friend flirting with him an suddenly got very jelous. He started to have sudden ideas that he had to kill others to get to him but, he quickly got those ideas out of his head. instead he started to threaten to kill himself or harm himself. MC being the nice person he his did not want anyone to get hurt so he often did what ross said. Yuri was not happy about this and tryed to do what she could to stop him. she thought about threatening to cut herself in front of MC but she did not want anyone to know that she was a cutter. Ross and Yuri were no longer frineds and instead they were rivals. he became closer with natsuki and she even tryed to help him get closer to MC. eventually thing took a turn for the worst.

      Ross looked at the door for a moment thinking, 'why am i doing this' and opened the door, he doesnt open it like a person person instead he slams the door and yells "I AM HERE BITCHES". Monika then looks over at him and says "hey, whats this 5th grader doing in our clubroom" he looks over to yuri and says "yuri she's bullying me" but she wasnt paying attention so monika kept pestering him until the pink haired girl comes up to monika and says"were the same height monika and yet you never make fun of me, this is offensive" Monika then got a super angry look and was about to say something but then looked back at where yuri was and walked away to go sulk in the corner. He thanked the pink haired girl and she intruduced herself as "Natsiki. she then went into the closet to do something uunknown.

      He then got curious why Monika looked at yuri then stoped talking to him so he glanced over at the direction and saw her standing there with a boi. He took a closer look at the boi and got a rush of emotions that were strange to him. He felt love like he had never felt before. he then looked at yuri and got suverly jelous. he wanted to get her away form this boi and he got a sudden thought about killing her which he never thought of before. he quickly shook this thought out of his head and walked over to them and started acting as cute as he could. He grabed MC by the arm and dragged his out of the room which surprised Yuri so much she did not stop it.

     MC was about to yell "WHAT THE HELL" but then he relised ross was about the same hight as natsuki. MC was about one foot taller than ross and suddenly did not want to yell at him. Ross quickly said "Imrosswhatsyourname!" ross said this without any spaces in his words. MC replyed "Woah slow down there bud its not a race." Ross blushed and this made him look even more cute to MC and he said "look my name is MC and i think your pretty cute." MC was used to talking this way to natsuki so he was not afraid to say it which made ross blush 100000000000 shades of red. ross remained silent unable to talk becuse of these new feelings he had. Mc then said "Look we should get back into the club. are you joining?" ross then quickly nodded and MC smiled. they then headed back into the room and monika tryed to get him not to join but MC defended him and that was that.

Ross x MC (DDLC fanfic OC x Cannon IM DOING THIS FOR A FRIEND)Where stories live. Discover now