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Dear Elizabeth~

        It seems like just yesterday we were sitting together on a plane to Dublin. So much has changed in the past three years. And I really have you to thank for everything. Without your undying support, I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today. You have been a grandmother, a best friend, a role model, and an angel to the girl who started from nothing. And as I'm setting out on this tour with Niall and his band, I'm keeping you in mind to push through even the hardest days.

        And speaking of hard days, the twins are rambunctious as ever. Siobhan is a lot like her daddy—almost always laid back—and Liam... Well, Liam takes after me and his Uncle Louis; he owns backstage and the tour bus. The handlers have been amazing about putting up with them.

        Now that Louis and Harry are officially out, they're thinking of adopting. I think they'll amazing dads. Liam and Sophie have been trying since they got married. And Zayn? Well...Zayn's a great babysitter when Niall and I need down-time. He and Mara have, however, been seeing more and more of each other lately.

        All-in-all, being a mum is fantastic—such a huge blessing—and I couldn't have chosen a better person as my co-worker in the job. Niall is absolutely gaga over them both, and is simply the best father. Always playing the guitar for them and writing silly songs. It's absolutely the most adorable thing ever! He's already wanting a third... We'll see.

        Niall himself is doing fantastically. The band is more successful than ever (which, with two married members and two gay members, is a huge "fuck you" to their old management team). Watching them come this far has been the greatest adventure. And touring with them is a total dream come true.

        The book is doing fantastically as well! Great reviews—especially on that first story! I will bring a copy when I visit, along with a gorgeous photo of us from my wedding. You were stunning that night. Hard to believe it's already been a year and a half!

        I will try to write again soon, Lizzie. I like to think that they connect us and numb the pain of losing you without being able to say goodbye.

        I love you so much.

~Rebecca Catherine Horan

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