Chapter 1

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 It was a usual Friday night for me, have a friend over, go to the movies (if there was a movie we wanted to see) or just rent one or find one off of Netflix. Luckily we had been dying to see 'The Fault In Our Star' we both had read the book and now were ready to actually watch the movie.

"Nichole?" My friend Riley ask as she walked into my apartment, "I'm her you whore now come out." Me being the oldest out of us, I didn't listen making her come into my bedroom so I could curl her hair. Riley's hair was so long, blonde, and looked so amazing when I curled it. Since we were going to the movies I thought hey maybe we can get some numbers from some guys around the mall or at the theater. I had finally finished up her hair, sprayed some hair spray, and pinned some peices back. SHE LOOKED GORGEOUS! My jaw had dropped once she turned around because her hair and outfit were literally on point. She left my room and told me to get ready, as soon as she shut the door I threw on some high wasted ripped skinnies and a Okay? Okay. crop top, then threw on some high topped All Stars. I finished the touch up on my makeup, sprayed my hair on last time, put a white bow in my hair, and spayed my favorite purfume I get at Bath and Body Works. Finally I stepped out of my room and Riley's jaw just dropped. "I hope we are getting diggets because you my friend are sure to get some.-" I cut her off with a dead stare, "because you are going to get some of those guys' numbers." She had finished her sentence uneasily since I was still giving her a dead stare. I grabbed my phone off the wall charger on the kitchen counter, grabbed my purse and car keys, and walked out the door with Riley following after. "Shit, Nichole slow down, the movie doesn't start for another 30 minutes." 

"Well I'm sorry I'm in a rush it's Friday everyon is going to be at the theater, it is going to be packed." I snapped back then got into the car once I finished the sentence. "Get in whore, we gotta get some diggets." I had said rolling down the window talking to Riley. "I can feel the love Nicky I can feel the love, I just can't see it." Riley had said climbing in and putting her seat belt on.

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