Chapter 4

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After we went to Starbucks and got some Wentzel Pretzels and talked a little more. This was better then watching The Fault In Our Stars but since Jack ended up being so kind he said he would make it up Saturday and we could watch the movie together.

Riles: WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!? Jack and I are looking everywhere!!

Nichole: Hiding /.\ we aren't going to tell you where we're at. Come and find us you're it!!🏃🏃🏃

Riles: Literally suck my ass!

Jack laughs as he reads the texts over my shoulder and he grabs me so we could hide.

"Okay so Riley and Jack are probably going to expect us at Starbucks and all those popular stores. What they won't expect is us inside Sears or JC Penny's." Jack states looking at the map in the walkway.

"Ah I see what you mean my friend. So if we go and hide inside these stores," I said pointing at Sears, Koahl's, JC Penny's, and Macy's."

"Wow you're smart and cute. I really am falling in lo- Let's go hide now."

Wait he was in the middle of a sentence saying he was falling in love with me!??!!! What the fuck, I'm just when we're hiding going to ask him myself.


We first slipped into Starbucks left a note, then to Spencer's left another note, then into Forever 21 and left a note. We then went to Sear's since it ended up being split into 2 parts in the mall; The clothing, toys, and shoes. The other side had technology things, furniture, and outdoor equipment. We ended up going to the opposite side hiding into a shed. We shut the doors and turn the lights on our phones. I took one last breath of air

"Okay, that's it I can't keep it in" "Nichole I can't hold this in anymore" We both had said this at the same time "No Jack go first."

'Alright, so when I bumped into in line, when I first met you I looked directly into your eyes but all I could do was just fall in love with your beauty and the fact that when you smile you have only one dimple that shows," as soon as he said that I smiled and he booped my dimple. "Nichole there is just something about you that I can't figure out what it is."

"Wow Gilinsky, that was what I was going to say but not that mushy. You went soft on me, I just wanted to say-' right then his lips met mine and we just kissed not rough but passionatley. I could tell that he enjoyed it because I felt a smile arose his face while we kissed. Right once we broke apart from the kiss the doors open.

"I found you guys Ri-" I cut Jack J off and grabbed his arm and covered his mouth. "Shut up and hide in here with us she will freak. Please."

"But, we are dating I don't want to leave her."

"No buts Johnson, now shut up and hide in here."

"Fine. Sup Jack did you get yourself any." Johnson said with a smirk on his face directed at my soon to be boyfriend.

"Dude shut up." Jack said, I was suprised. He raised his eyebrow and told Johnson to shut up in a stern voice. Jack must really love me because he just defended me well us, on getting some.

Finally after 10 minutes of her circirling the shed yelling the same thing over and over she never found us untill we tweeted;

@NicholeBrookes_ : @JackJackJohnson @JackGilinsky and I see you @RilesPeterson

@JackJackJohnson :You never really get to know a person till you are hiding in a shed for 10 minutes hiding from @RilesPeterson

@JackGilinsky : Poor @RilesPeterson we hear you but you aren't looking. So close yet so far away.

@RilesPeterson : @JackJackJohnson @JackGilinsky @NicholeBrookes_ Get your butts out here I'm tired of looking for you guys.

Once we got her tweet we got out of the shed and the Jack's scared cam her. Oh were these guys the best. I guess Gilinsky and my love isn't in the air since he has fallen in love with me and I did the same. Yet technically we aren't officially a couple.

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