i stand here, a flower, a wave

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the sky is saddened by a single cloud, weeping pearls into the sand beside her legs. she kneels by the shore, soul in circadian rhythm with the rnb beats through which the sun dances through the clouds to take a drink from the almond milk of the sky. she sinks into the open mouth of the sand. he caresses her hand, yet he lashes her heart to bruised pineapple with his blazing tongue. 

she moves to slow dance with the waves when their foam glide against her skin and silk pants, agile birds who have yet to learn to be snakes. buries her fingers in the evanescent, sun speckled foam that mama ocean vomits onto the rocks after sulking around on a lover who worshiped her for her blueness and not her waves.

she moves in soft, fluid waves. she glides with the birds, and when she sways with gentle arms suffocating her ribs, she wills her mango heart to leak and bleed it's yellow honeyed tears

when she dances, venus sees mars for what he is. the stars sing softly, cradling weak peach hearts in their shine. her mango tears drip onto the angered sun in promise of a golden sunrise 

-sadness, oh her face, it is only of beauty and ruination 

may 19, 2018

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