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  • Dedicated to FATEMAH AND MARIA ILYSFM!!!! <3

It was night and Sophie Parkinson was ready. She had been preparing for this night for sixteen years.

Had her parents known, she would've been dead on the spot. The people in her city weren't exactly the type of people interested in witchcraft and witchery.

Sophie grabbed her cloak and her book and left. She couldn't see; however, she didn't need to. She had been studying the path since she was little. She knew it by heart.

She walked swiftly and silently to the little cottage deep in the woods. Sophie took a deep breath and walked up to the cottage. She peered in, and just as she suspected, no one was there. She needed to do this alone.

She found a candle and some matches on the table, like they were left there for her. She lit the candle, light shone throughout the little cottage.

Sophie opened her book, but she was too tired to read it. She knew she had endless nights at the cottage until she died. She had no hurry to read the whole book in one night.

Sophie looked around the cottage and saw a little bed. It was the middle of the night, she could take a nap and wake up before anyone else. Soon, she fell asleep, not knowing what would happen later that day.

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