Jongtae (fluff) | Coffee Shop Love

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Hello readers ! Welcome to my book of soft SHINee Ship Imagines. Apart from writing SHINeexReader imagines I wanted to try this out as well. So here's the start to it with this soft little imagine of my favorite ship: jongtae ❤️❤️

"Taemin-ah, don't" Jonghyun warned his boyfriend, Taemin, in a gentle voice without looking up from his laptop's screen to stop the younger from biting his nails.

"But jongh—"

"Uh-Uh" Jonghyun shut his boyfriend up before he could even protest.

"Ugh fine" Taemin huffed and shot a look at the singer who sensed Taemin's annoyance through his tone.

Jonghyun knew his boyfriend was bothered by something, something Jonghyun didn't know about, but he chose not to confront Taemin about it because he wanted Taemin to bring the topic up himself.

Taemin knew he had to talk to his boyfriend about what was bothering him but he didn't know how to start. Taemin just hugged himself tightly and shifted in his seat to now look outside the wide window of the coffee shop the two were currently camping out in. Taemin observed the vanilla white snow covered land and the busy roads of Seoul. The cold wild penetrated through unknown cracks and sent chills down the dancer's spine.

Taemin heard Jonghyun shut his laptop off with a sigh and he knew this was his cue to talk to his boyfriend. Taemin turned around to face Jonghyun and wrapped his naked hands around his warm cup of Caffè Americano.

"Jonghyun" Taemin started.

"Hm?" Jonghyun propped his face up by resting it on his palm.

"Well, so, my manager has decided it's time for me to start touring. And I'm excited but I'm scared. Jonghyun it's my first time, I'm really nervous." The dancer/singer admitted.

Jonghyun's eyes lit up proudly. "Taeminah that's great news! I'm so happy for you!" Jonghyun cheered to which the younger boy purely smiled.

"Thank you. But I'm nervous." Taemin's smile dropped.

Jonghyun sighed and took Taemin's hands in his own. "Baby, I know you're nervous. But this is not the time to double think or plant seeds of doubts within yourself. This is a huge and important step in your life. Accept it with happiness and gratitude. You will do amazing. Remember, self confidence is the key. And I believe in you." Jonghyun assured the younger boy and eased some of his stress.

"Thank you Jonghyun" Taemin seemed a bit relaxed to Jonghyun which made the older boy smile in relief.

"By the way, I can accompany you, if that will make you feel better" Jonghyun offered and the younger's eyes lit up.

"Really??" He asked in excitement.

"Really" Jonghyun assured.

"But what about your work?" Taemin asked his boyfriend, who was an author.

"I can free my schedule up, don't worry about that. My manager did offer me a month's worth of leave so I can take it when you go on tour" Jonghyun replied and Taemin smiled widely at his supportive and understanding boyfriend with love filled eyes.

"Don't worry babe" Jonghyun whispered before capturing Taemin lips in between his own.

The kiss made Taemin forgot about any additional and unnecessary worries he may have had as he lost himself into his boyfriend's kiss.

"You taste like Caffè Americano" Jonghyun panted.

"It's cause I had that to drink" Taemin chuckled after stating in a matter-of-fact tone. "Plus that's what you ordered too" Taemin pointed out.

"I know, but it tastes better from your lips" Jonghyun admitted to which the singer simply blushed.

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