Chapter Six- Wastelands

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Mike stood at the door with his back against it. There was nothing to look at in this room. Everything was white. The walls, the floor, the furniture... Even his clothes and any form of hair on his body were white. The same went with his friends. Brad, Dave, Rob and Joe. They were here, sitting down on the large corner sofa.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down, Mike?" Dave asked. "You look exhausted."

"I'm sure, Dave. Don't worry about me. I've just went through a lot today, I guess..." The half-Asian trailed off.

They were concerned. All four of them. They knew what had happened, and they knew it was bad too. They didn't understand just how bad it was though. "If that's what you want." Dave said then the room was silent again.

Mike dreaded the silence. It made him think of Chester, and how they would just spend time together, wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying each other's warmth. Without Chester being with him though, he was just stuck in a quiet room with nothing to do or enjoy. It was just white noise an-

Dave started snickering a bit. All of the other men's heads snapped to his spot on the sofa as they looked at him with confusion, but none said a word yet.

It continued on, and then it went into full blown laughter.

"Um, Dave..." Rob spoke up. "What are you laughing about?"

"I just feel like I should be doing something! Try to be the leader as I am the best of all of us." Dave explained, wiping away tears from his eyes as he continued to laughing.

Everyone else in the room was confused. Where the Hell did this come from?

"Well, I'm not worried about Mike anymore." Joe mentioned, patting Dave on the back. "As for you, Dave, I think you're being a bit full of yourself..." Joe cut off half sentence and yawned. "None of us... You know what, I'm too lazy to help right now." He admitted, putting his face in the palm of his hand and closing his eyes, trying to sleep.

"Um... Joe?" Mike said, running over to the sofa. "Wha-"

Brad interrupted Mike by saying, "Don't try to be Mister Perfect and help him, Mike." He looked at everyone and then got a disgusted look on his face. "God, you all look better than me with the white hair. I look like a piece of Cauliflower!" He shivered.

"Maybe we should all try... STEALING THINGS!" Rob shouted.

"Um, what?!" Mike asked, not believing that Rob suggested that.

"STEALING THINGS! AND ONLY ME! THIS STUFF IS MINE NOW! GET OFF THIS COUCH!" Rob shouted while standing up and kicking everyone off.

Joe groaned in aggravation. "I don't wanna get up though!" He complained while laying on the floor.

Mike was confused. What the world is up with his friends right now? They're all acting stupid! "What the fuck, guys?!"

"Yeah, Rob!" Brad mocked. "Stop showing off!"

"Yeah!" Dave agreed. "I'm supposed to do that!"

"This is why I told you not sit down on anything." Chester's voice rung in Mike's mind. "If you sat down, you would've started getting overcome with lust."


"Yeah. Each of your friends... They're being controlled at the moment. Rob has greed, Brad has envy, Dave has pride and Joe has gluttony. You would have lust at the moment if you decided to sit down, and if I was part of it, I would have wrath believe it or not."

But why?

The door opened and Chester stepped in with Billie behind him. "What happened in here?" Billie asked while running up to all them. Chester ran up to Mike and pulled him away from everyone, holding him close.

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