Vceptional || Chapter 3

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What a nice and interesting girl.

I smirked just by thinking of how rude she just spoke to me awhile ago. It's just too interesting for me.

"You're creeping me out," Taehyung said. "Weirdest thing to do is to smirk about nothing,"

"I ain't smirking about nothing you bored lad. I'm smirking because I just met an interesting partner," I stated, clicking my tongue. "And I know it don't interest you so I won't bother telling it to you,"

"Is it a girl?"

"How did you-"

"Is that even a question?"

I sighed; "Okay fine. I know what is it, okay? Just wanted to tell you that she is really rare,"

"Oh really? Wow."

"Just ‘wow' me, brother. You will be smirking as I do if you ever meet her,"

"Stop talking about girls, it disgusts me." He said looking at the television all straightforwardly.

"Then what do you want me to talk about then?" I pouted; "The day is really boring for me,"

"Tch. If you ever have my seat, you'll be wanting to hook up with her," He said closing his eyes in peace.

"Is she my type?"

"A bitchy class,"

"Oh. Britney is her name, isn't it? Great. Ask for her number and then give it to me,"

"Do it yourself,"

"But my lil' brother—"

"Oh please, don't treat me as a baby, You're just 3 seconds older,"

My brother will always talk like that to me. So coldly. Sometimes it just creeps me out when sometimes his eyes werent moving. Who knows? Maybe he'll be having a seizure seconds after.

"I'm too shy," I pouted; "Come on!'

"Shy your face, brother. What ‘shy’ does include having a million of girlfriends?"

I pouted and watched the television while my arms are closed tightly. "I only have 12—"

"Exactly," He said.

"Okay fine. Treat me that way, humph!"

"Sure. Now who is the oldest in the family again?" He whispered.

"What did you say?"

"I said ‘Move your butt off the damn television'," He said shooing me away.

I stamped my feet and went upstairs. What a nice brother. I bet you'll just wish to be his brother because he is handsome! Trust me... Attitude also counts! :<


    The next day..

  "Good morning, Sim Sim," Taeyang greeted me with a grin infront of the door. I rolled my eyes and ignored him like I can't hear him or can't feel his presence.

"Ouch. I'm ignored. Such a hurtful thing for my morning,"

"What an annoying insect," I murmured, seating in my seat. "Are you done, buzzing?"

"Oh come on. It's my first week. Do you hate me that real?"

"You know the answer," I said opening my book. "And i bet you just want to know the truth. Well the answer is.. Yes! You are too annoying,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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