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"Hello? Is it City Hospital?...yes, please inform Dr.Varun that one of his patient is being taken in emergency!" Avni talked over the phone. She was in the backseat of the car, Marshall on her lap. Shweta and Bebe was with her. Neil was driving and Prakash was seated on the passenger seat. Tears streamed down Avni's eyes, as she caressed on Marshall's cheeks.

Little one was rushed into the emergency as soon as they reached. "Avni!" Dr.Varun ran to them. He was a close friend of Avni. "V-Varun! M..Marshall.. I did—." "Get a grip yourself. I'll see to him." He patted on Avni's shoulder and strode down to the emergency room. Neil stood there witnessing everything. The close gesture between the two upset him.

"Avni.. take care of yourself, beta." Shweta held Avni in her arms. But Avni did not respond. She loosened Shweta's arms and wiped off her cheeks. "W-what did Marshall have for dinner?" She asked, neither her voice nor her face showed any emotions. Mitali also arrived just then. "He ate some curry and brownies afterwards.." Bebe replied. "B...browny with almonds?" Avni's voice shook as she asked. "Yeah? I made them." This time Mitali replied. Avni sank into the nearby seat and covered her face with her palms. "Avni! What happened?" Neil rushed to her side and kneeled down beside her. Avni removed her hands and dug through her bag. In a minute she pulled out a piece of paper and smacked it onto Neil's arm. "Wh—." "I gave you this list! I thought you might not read the copy attached to the court documents.. so I personally gave you this! It clearly mentions that Marshall is allergic to any kind of nuts, and it can be fatal to lead to his death!!" Avni's voice was so loud. She was furious! Everyone gasped with her last sentence and Neil's eyes widened. He quickly went through the paper. "I—I didnt know.. Marshall came home today only and I got busy before dinner!" Neil fumed up equally. The emotions taking up the worst of the two of them. "I told you... your 'I got busy and its normal' can become fatal one day.." Avni said softly and got up from the seat. Just then the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor came out. Everyone rushed to him.

"Don't worry, he's out of danger. All because of you, Avni. You used all the emergency treatments I taught you. Otherwise.. I'm afraid you would have seen him taking his last breath.." Both Neil and Avni shook out with the thought. "I'd like to keep him under observation for a day, as he still has breathing difficulties. We'll discharge him once he's stable, yeah?" He caressed on Avni's head and gave a warm smile. "A brave mother you are." With that he left.

Everyone was allowed the sleeping Marshall for a few minutes. They all sat outside the room, until the effect of the sedative wears off and Marshall wakes up on his own. Avni stood at a distance from everyone. Tears rolled down her cheeks at times.
"Avni.." Mitali came to her finally. The others and even Neil was surprised a bit. "You have a hearing in morning right.. Khanna Industries.. you can leave. We are all here with Marshall." Avni looked at her with wide eyes. Neil sensed that it was getting on her nerve so hurried to the two of them. "Plus, Neil has Marshall's custody now. So he'll look after him." Mitali went on. Avni's hands clenched into a fist. "Mitali—." Neil tried to stop her. "No Neil, if we are not left with Marshall alone, then he will never get used to us. And neither will you be able to move on, Neil." She cut him in. "Listen Neil. I have no interest in whatsoever is going on in the world of you both. Just ask your fiancée to stay at her limit. I am Marshall's mother and I will always be! No one can stop me from being with him and.. dont try to teach me how a legal custody works!" Avni muttered everything under her breath in one go and strode down the hallway.

She sat outside Marshall's room throughout the night. But in the morning, she dropped by the apartment to freshen up and prepared some of Marshall's stuff to take to hospital. On her way back, she sent a letter to the court to postpone the hearing.

As Avni walked nearer, she heard people talking from the room. Once she stepped on the doorway, she saw Marshall, sitting on the bed wide awake! "Mommy!" He whined as he saw Avni. "Marshi!" Avni ran to him and gathered her little one in her arms. "I'm so glad you are fine!" She kissed all over his face. "Uncle Varun came to help!" Marshall hugged Avni tightly and said. "Yes, he did.." Avni whispered as she smiled wide within her tears of joy.
Neil who was witnessing the scene grew more jealous of the Varun person. Who is he? And why is His Avni and Marshall so attached to him?! Neil looked away, he was hella frustrated.

Bebe and the others pampered Marshall for the rest of the morning. By afternoon, it was only Neil and Avni in hospital. Neil helped Avni to give a shower to Marshall. As he was tucked back into bed, Marshall held on to Avni's hand. "Mama, remember you said its a good thing to give charity?" Avni crooked an eyebrow, not able to understand what he was trying to say. Neil sat beside Marshall on the bed. "Yeah?" "I—what if something happened to me? I haven't given anything in charity yet." Neil almost gasped out loud. "You dont say any such thing, Marshi!" He covered Marshall's mouth and hugged him tightly in the next instant. Tears escaped from Neil's eyes which almost stopped Avni's heartbeat. "Sorry Daddy.. but i'm okay now." Marshall was sad. Neil moved out of the embrace and kissed his forehead. "Let's make a donation, Mommy? You said we can do online." Avni smiled wide at the idea. "Of course! One minute." She searched around for her purse. "Oh no. I think I forgot my purse at home. I dont have my card.." Avni ran a hand along her forehead. "I've got mine." Neil said, taking his from his back-pocket. Avni was about to refuse but then she saw how excited Marshall was.

"Here's the website." Avni opened UN FeedOne's website from Neil's phone and handed it over to him. They both were sitting on either side of Marshall. He took the phone from Neil and wanted to do the online donation procedure all by himself. Avni instructed him on it, while Neil helped him with the payment. The three of them went through various brochures available on the website and read through the stories on it.

At one point, a little boy's story of how he fought hunger as a refugee made Avni way too emotional and she broke down. Marshall got too worried to see his mommy tensed up so he also broke down into tears. "Heyy.. we just donated to them." Neil tried to calm them both down. "We'll donate online and also send them other helps, okay?" Neil told to Marshall. He took the little onto his lap and moved next to Avni. "Avi.." He wrapped his other arm around Avni, and she leaned down against Neil's shoulder. He softly kissed on her forehead and cuddled Marshall more onto his arms.

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