What next?

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The following morning Avni tried to keep herself as far from Marshall as possible. Dr.Varun had informed that Marshall wil be discharged by afternoon, meaning he will be taken back to the Khanna House.

"Mommy..?" Marshall called out to Avni who was sitting on the couch. Neil was sitting beside him. "Yes, baby?" Avni looked at her son. "Why are you sitting there? I like it when you sit with me.." This statement of Marshall made Neil also notice Avni's behavior. "Nothing like that.. its just.. Marshi will be going back with Daddy in afternoon.. and I'll be going home.." Avni's voice trailed off. Marshall pouted, trying to control his tears. He dropped his head, "We have Court's orders.. and we can't do anything." His sentence startled both Avni and Neil. "H—How did you know?" Neil asked, confused on how Marshall knew about it. "Mithali Aunty told me. She said now I will have to live with you and her.. I will never be able to live with Mommy.." Marshall said, sobbing through the words and he spoke. Avni held a hand to her mouth, as she broke into cries. Neil just sat there agape, not understanding what to do.

Their moment broke as the nurse came in, to do a final vital check on Marshall. Avni hurried to pack everything so that they would be ready to leave, by the time the doctor comes.

Days passed by, and Marshall was in Khanna House. He talks to Avni every night through video calls, the two of them share everything with each other. As for Neil, he had his own bonding with Marshall. Not as close as Avni, but he was satisfied.

As the morning sun came by, Neil walked into Marshall's room. His heart filled with love, as he saw his little son sound asleep, hugging his soft toy dinosaur. "Wake up, Marshi!" Neil kissed on Marshall's cheek and woke him up. But unlike the other days, Marshall wasnt cheerful and he looked tired as if he was up all night. "What happened? Didnt you sleep well?" Neil asked, caressing his hair. Marshall shook his head in response. "Why didnt you call Daddy then?" Neil was all concerned as he knew Marshall didnt get enough sleep. "Because its Mommy who I need.." Marshall replied in a soft tone. "She will be all alone, Daddy.. all alone.. I miss her.. and I know she will miss me so much more... I promised her.. we will protect each other from every bad force... but now she is all alone.. I broke my promise, Daddy.. and I can never be with her.." Tears streamed down the eyes of the little boy. "Marsh—." "Please ask Mitali Aunty to stay away from me... I dont want her, Daddy... I want only you...". Marshall complained. "Bur Marshi, she's going to come to this house very soon.. and she will be taking care of you." Neil tried to make him understand, although even he was hit hard by Marshall's reminder. "I dont want her.. If she comes, I might forget about mommy... I dont want that.. cuz she doesnt have another son... please daddy.." Suddenly Marshall hugged Neil tightly. He gasped with the sudden movement, but hugged back his son. The cry of Marshall grew louder, as much as Neil tried to console him. It made Neil realize how badly affected Marshall really was, although he seemed all happy from outside. "W—what if something happens to her?! She is all alone?!" Marshall questioned, as he moved away from Neil, even Neil's heart skipped a beat with the query. But he controlled his stance easily. "Marshall, Aunty Sunehri is there to look after Mommy.." Evidently, Neil's answer made Marshall more hopeless. He did not say anything, but just pulled himself away from Neil. And slowly got down from bed, picked up his Towel and went into the shower all alone. Neil just sat there, motionless. Trying to process everything.

Marshall's mood was off throughout the day. He kept himself busy in his room, reading. Mitali came in the afternoon with some gifts for him. Neil saw Mitali walking to Marshall's room. He strode down towards her to stop from going in, but Mitali went in before he could.
"Marshall! Look what I have got for you!" Mitali showed the bow and arrows in her hand. Marshall gave an unfamiliar look to her. Neil stood at the entrance. "I dont really like it. But Mommy says we should accept if someone brings us gifts. So, Thank you very much." Marshall said to Mitali, taking the gift from her. "Aww, so sweet! Lets play! Its super fun." Marshall gave a look at Neil. "Daddy, Please tell her I'm very tired today. I just want to lie down and read.." Marshall said politely. Bebe stood at a distance and saw everything. Mitali was about to rebut, but Neil interrupted her. "Mitali, Marshall had said he doesnt want to play. So please let him rest."
"He is not tired. But he wants something else. I'm calling Avni." Bebe's voice interrupted both Neil and Mitali. "Bebe, its not that—." "Hush! I know what I have to do for my grandson." With that she went off, gesturing Neil to take out Mitali.

Shweta opened the door for Avni, who came about an hour later. She gave a warm smile and Avni smiled in return. "Avni! Come on in!" Bebe hugged her and walked her to the living room. Neil's steps froze as soon as he saw Avni. Within a month, she have changed a lot! Probably lost a fortune of weight and her face was all pale.
"Have you been unwell? What condition have you dropped yourself into?" Bebe's voice was loud. "No I'm okay. Was just down with a cold last week." Avni replied. "And you didn't tell me? I know no one else will be concerned but I have always told you, I'm right here for you!" Bebe grabbed Avni's shoulder, she was clearly very upset. "Ah, Bebe. I'm fine. I know you would worry over me, but its just a cold."

"Mommy!" Marshall's voice broke the conversation. He ran to Avni and grabbed her into a tight hug! "I missed you so much.." he whispered to her ears. Avni's eyes widened as she felt tears on her skin. She broke the hug to look at Marshall. "Marshi. Why are you crying?" She cupped his face lovingly. "M-mommy, I can't be a brave boy. I can't stay here without you.." Marshall's voice came out in sobs.
Neil ran a hand along his forehead. His heart brakes every time Marshall yearns for Avni. As much as he wants his son to be his, the more he gets attached to Avni. In the process, it has made him realize that the bond a child shares with his mother, is stronger than any other.
Avni picked up her big boy in her arms. She headed to the balcony attached to the living room, whispering something to Marshall, who was hugging her tightly, his arms around her neck. Neil saw Marshall nodding in response, like a good boy.

Neil sat on the couch in his room, thinking over the events. Mitali sat beside him and was talking about the marriage that will be taking place in three days. But non of the discussion has Neil's attention.
His chain of thoughts was broken by a knock on the door. Neil lifted up his head to see Avni at the entrance.

"Avni.." Came from Mitali before Neil. "Um..I'm sorry. I'll come back later—." "Oh no no. Its fine. Come on in." Neil interrupted. Mitali gave an unbelievable look at him. "I wanted to discuss about Marshall." Neil's eyes twinkled, as it was something he even wanted to talk about. "Yeah, sure. If you could excuse us, Mitali?" Neil asked. Mitali got furious. "Neil! I can stay here.." "No. I want to talk to Avni. Please." He repeated. Mitali glared at Avni and stomped away.

Avni slowly entered the room. For the first time in seven years. The furnishing had changed, but everything else was the same. Her heart ached with a sea of memories, and so did Neil's. Avni suddenly tripped over a little break on the floor. She gasped out loudly but Neil caught her. "Haven't you still got this mended?! I told you I'll trip over this one day!" Avni said in the heat of the moment, replaying an event of the past. Neil laughed softly, "And you finally tripped over and hurt your leg." He said, tightening the grip. Avni looked down to her feet, there was a bruise on her skin. She groaned with pain, and Neil laughed again. "You wouldnt whine until you see the injury, even if someone stab you." He mumbled, helping Avni to the bed. "I didnt know it was injured.." she was now annoyed, just like how she used to be. "Haha! And you didnt even feel the pain, until you saw it? Tsk, you havent changed a bit." Neil said, taking the first aid box and kneeling beside her. "Neither have you.. still so careless." Avni smacked on Neil's shoulder. Both laughed out loud. All of a sudden reality started to hit the both of them. And they were lost in each other's eyes..

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