Chapter 3

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Another Chapter
Hope you enjoy it
Jimin's POV

    I woke up with my arms in agonizing pain. I tried to sit up but for some reason I can't. I started to panic when I felt things moving. I couldn't move my sleeping mask. Because my arms wouldn't move.
I was about to scream until I heard.

"Uh, Jimin stop moving". Coming from... Hoseok. I had completely forgot that Me, Hoseok and Jungkook were having a sleepover. "Could you please get off of my arms please, I would appreciate it". I lightly said. Hoseok slowly rolled off my arm. I took off my sleeping mask and pushed Jungkook off my other arm. "What Time is it". I mumbled. "3:24 go back to sleep". Hoseok said. "But I can't". "You didn't even try, but ok". I got out of bed and decided to take a shower.

After I showered. Hoseok decided to do the same. After hoseok came out of the shower dressed and ready to go to school. We decided that we should probably wake jungkook. After multiple failed attempts I thought of something that could be really funny.

Twist twist

Jungkook woke up in a instant. "OH MY GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT". Jungkook yelled. He looked mad but I could tell he was holding back laughter. That didn't last long though because all 3 of us burst out in a fit of laughter. "C'mon jungkook
go wash up we have to start walking in 45 minutes". "Wait why are we walking in 45 minutes school doesn't start until 8. We have 5 hours. Plus we barely got sleep". Jungkook said. "We went to sleep at 7". Hoseok said. "... that's true".

Jungkook took his shower and got dressed so we all head out to go find something to eat.

On our way there, it was very weird because one of the houses we passed we heard yelling.  Lots of yelling. I was really curious as to what they were going on about. But it wasn't right for me to listen in on their 'private' conversation. We started to walk away when all off a sudden a man came barging out the door. He slammed the door really hard. For a couple seconds I thought he broke the door. All three of us were in shock. We were staring at the man. Until he started yelling at us. We all ran away fearing for our lives because if I was sure he had a little blood on him. And it didn't look like it was his own cause he didn't seem injured at all.

The walk there was very awkward. There were occasional coughs and laughter, because I accidentally tripped. We then made our way to this nice diner that we could eat at.

"So. Are we gonna talk about what happened or no". I said. Deciding to break our silence. "Yeah what the hell was that about?". Said a very confused Hoseok. "Watch your profanity". Jungkook said. "Sorry, but what do you think that was about?". Hoseok said. "I don't know. But I feel like we're gonna find out about it sooner then we think it will". "Maybe we shouldn't look into this. We could get dragged into something we don't want to". Jungkook said. I could hear his worry. "I... agree with you. It's not our business. But the fact that I have the same feeling scares me". Hoseok said. "What are you guys talking about. We will be fine... I hope".

I hope you enjoy this chapter it's not good (I even said was supposed to be long but trust me. It's getting there)


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