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I was strong, the strongest of Dangerous Ability, and therefore, the entire school. But maybe if the oh-so famous Kuro Neko was here, I'd just be second place. I hate hearing his alias. He had a name, so why won't anyone use it? The black cat, that's all he was.

It was all my fault. The reason that they had died was my fault. Why couldn't I have just agreed in the first place?

No one. Not even Kaito and Hitomi know that the reason for Class 2-B's death was because of me.

The only reason I'm still here is because of Youchi, my last memory of Natsume. Maybe... I'm also staying for Kaito and Hitomi. Just maybe.

We arrived next to the Special Ability room. I remember the days when I took classes there. I doubt it's even as bright as it used to be, with Tsubasa-senpai and Misaki-senpai graduated. Youchi spoke up, "Mikan-nee, I'm going to head to class now."

I replied, "'Kay"

He turned left.

Was it because he had no one else to turn to that he started to see me as a sister? I don't care, because I love him either way. Not in a romantic type of way, but like a family. I still remember watching my mom, who I had finally met at age 12, die right before my eyes. It was horrifying, and it was all because of the elementary school principal.

As I pondered on my past, I realized something. If Youchi were to return to his dorm, he should've turned right. I turned around and started running.


It was a shout of fear.

And it was coming from Youchi.

Even though I never went back to that room, I'll never forget.

Turning left next to the Special Ability class doesn't lead to the Youchi's classroom.

It leads to Class 2-B.

Class 2-B (Gakuen Alice)Where stories live. Discover now